In Your Dreams

As Logan rounded the corner, his easygoing demeanor shifted when he saw Blake and Jenna engaged in conversation. His expression tightened, a flicker of tension crossing his features as he approached them. "Holy hell," he muttered under his breath, his voice laced with a hint of irritation. "I step away for two minutes, and the sharks are circling."

Moving swiftly, Logan stood beside Jenna, his hands settling possessively on her shoulders. His presence was unmistakable, a silent declaration of his claim over her. With a nonchalant air, he reached for the drink in front of her, taking a casual sip as he addressed Blake with a steely gaze. "I believe this seat is taken," he said bluntly, his tone leaving no room for negotiation.

Blake rose from his seat with a smirk, but Logan loomed over him, his stature imposing as he issued a warning. His possessive instincts surged to the forefront, a primal intensity in his eyes. "She's taken," he asserted firmly, his voice carrying a low, dangerous edge. "Take a step back, or I'll help you."

Sensing the escalating tension, Jenna intervened, her touch gentle yet firm as she reached for Logan's forearm. "He was just complimenting me," she interjected calmly, and now he's leaving." She gave Blake a small smile and nodded, signaling him to leave while he could still walk out alone. 

Knowing he was defeated, Blake kissed Jenna's hand before reluctantly walking away. He cast a cautious glance back at Logan, who emitted a low, menacing growl in response. Jenna felt relief and amusement at the encounter.

"Well, well," she remarked, turning to Logan with a playful glint. "You weren't kidding. There really is a beast residing inside of you."

Logan chuckled, his gaze softening as he met her eyes. "Think of it more as a knight in shining armor," he quipped, a hint of warmth in his tone as he conveyed his protective instincts toward her.

Jenna felt her heart pounding in her chest, a rush of emotions swirling within her at Logan's protective display. She leaned in, unable to resist the magnetic pull between them, and planted a short, sensual kiss on his lips. Logan's lips curled into a small smile as he savored the moment.

"What was that for?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Just because," she replied with a smile of her own. "I liked it when you got all hot and bothered about me."

Logan's smile widened, his affection for her evident in his gaze. "Well, if that's the reward," he said playfully, "I'll slay every dragon in your life."

Jenna laughed, feeling a warmth spreading through her at his words. She leaned in closer, her voice barely a whisper as she teased, "Well, I just might let you."

As they continued their conversation, the atmosphere in the bar shifted when three women walked in. Jenna recognized them as the ones from the spa, dressed in high-end fashion that seemed out of place for the mountain bar.

"Don't look now," Jenna warned Logan with a sly smile, "but three pretentious ladies just walked into the bar. And they are dressed to the nines in the highest fashion."

Logan chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes. "My eyes are only for you," he quipped.

Jenna continued, "Well, it seems one of them is on the hunt for her lost lover. Apparently, she left him for someone else and now is having regrets. I hope she finds who she's looking for."

Logan glanced over his shoulder at the trio, and his heart skipped a beat. He did a double-take to make sure. He could not believe it. Panicking, he quickly took out his phone and sent a message to Ethan: "Bro, whatever you do, don't come down here."

Jenna noticed the shift in Logan's demeanor. "Everything ok?" she asked. 

"Yeah, I was just thinking we should head over to the restaurant," Logan smiled. "Shit," he thought to himself. That was the last person he thought he would see here. He hoped Ethan would see his phone before he came down to the bar. 

But, as fate would have it, today wasn't Logan's lucky day. A few minutes later, Ethan and Olivia entered the bar area and waved to them. Logan took a quick glance over his shoulder, filled with apprehension. Strolling over to Logan and Jenna, Olivia hugged Jenna, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Wow, you look amazing in this dress," Olivia complimented, breaking the tension.

As the girls engaged in small talk, Ethan couldn't shake the feeling that something was off with Logan. His brother seemed unusually tense, trying to mask his discomfort. Sensing Logan's unease, Ethan subtly observed Logan.

"I believe our table is ready," Logan interjected suddenly, his voice slightly strained. "How about we head that way?"

Logan's suggestion was a welcomed relief, and the group discreetly exited the bar. Once outside, Logan let out a sigh of relief, the tension visibly dissipating. However, Ethan noticed the lingering worry in Logan's eyes, prompting him to inquire further.

"Is everything alright, Logan?" Ethan asked, his concern evident. "You seem a bit on edge."

Logan paused, deliberating his response. He knew he needed to talk to Ethan as soon as possible. A storm was brewing on the horizon, and he refused to let it catch Ethan by surprise.

Before Logan could pull him away, Olivia wrapped her arm around Ethan's bicep, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Don't hog my man," she teased Logan.

Logan chuckled, his playful demeanor returning. "Hey, can't blame a guy for trying," he quipped, shooting Ethan a knowing look.

Ethan felt a rush of warmth at Olivia's possessive words. "Yeah, Logan, hands off," he joked, enjoying the playful banter.

Logan laughed, but Ethan noticed a flicker of seriousness in his eyes. "Actually, Ethan, I need to talk to you for a moment," Logan said, his tone more subdued now.

Ethan's smile faltered slightly as he sensed the gravity of Logan's request. "Sure, what's up?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

"No serious talk at dinner, Olivia said. You boys can go for a drink after dinner," Olivia suggested, breaking the tension.

Logan felt frustrated at the diversion. "Sounds like a plan," he agreed, glancing at Ethan, who nodded in approval.

Jenna, ever perceptive, leaned in and whispered to Logan, "What's going on?"

Logan flashed her a charming smile, momentarily forgetting his worries as he admired her beauty. "I just need to talk to Ethan, but I guess it can wait until after dinner. Don't worry about it. Besides, looking at you made me forget what I was going to say," he teased.

Jenna rolled her eyes at Logan's playful remark. "Take a picture; it will last longer," she laughed. "But honestly, Logan, you look very nice as well." Logan paused for a moment, then gently rubbed the corner of Jenna's lips. 

"What was that for?" she asked, her breath hitching.

"I was just wiping off the drool from your face. You know, because you think I'm so handsome, you're literally drooling over me," Logan teased, a twinkle in his eye. 

"In your dreams," Jenna remarked.

"Oh, you already are," Logan whispered in her ear as he pulled out her chair.