Something is Wrong

Olivia's peaceful slumber was abruptly interrupted by the shrill ringing of her phone, jolting her awake from a deep sleep. Groggy and disoriented, she fumbled for her phone on the nightstand. 

"Hello?" she answered, her voice thick with sleep. Squinting at the clock to check the time, she saw that it read 3 AM, a time when most of the world was lost in dreams.

"Liv," Ethan's strained voice greeted her on the other end of the line, cutting through the darkness of the night. 

"Ethan?" Olivia gasped, instantly wide awake as the sound of his voice pierced through the haze of sleep. "Are you okay?"

"I don't feel so good, Liv," Ethan confessed, his words tinged with discomfort. 

The concern in his voice sent a shiver down Olivia's spine, banishing the remnants of sleep from her mind. Without hesitating, she promised, "I'll be right there."

With adrenaline coursing through her veins, Olivia hurriedly dressed and made her way to Ethan's apartment, her heart pounding with worry for him.

Upon reaching his door, Olivia knocked gently before letting herself in. She found Ethan lying on the couch, his face flushed with fever and beads of sweat glistening on his forehead. 

"Ethan, what's wrong?" Olivia asked, her voice laced with concern as she rushed to his side.

"I don't know, Liv," Ethan replied weakly, his breaths shallow and labored. "I just... I feel terrible. I have a sharp pain in my side."

Olivia's heart ached at the sight of him in distress. She sat beside him, gently placing a hand on his forehead, which felt burning hot to the touch. 

"You're burning up," she murmured, her brows furrowing with worry. "Let me get you some water."

Rushing to the kitchen, Olivia filled a glass with cool water and hurried back to Ethan's side. She helped him sit up, holding the glass to his lips as he took small sips, his throat parched.

As Ethan drank, Olivia couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach. She had never seen him like this before, and seeing him in such discomfort was unsettling.

"Ethan, we need to get you to a doctor," Olivia said firmly, her voice tinged with urgency. "This fever... it's not normal."

But Ethan shook his head weakly, his eyes pleading with her to stay. "I'll be fine, Liv," he insisted, though his voice was strained with pain. "Just... stay with me."

"Of course, Ethan," she whispered, her voice soft and reassuring. "I'll stay right here with you. But I'm concerned for you. Do you have any medicine?" she asked as she began to rummage through his cabinets.

"Not a lot," he moaned, "I never get sick. Just bring me some aspirin and stay with me. I will be fine," he said, his voice strained with discomfort.

Olivia continued to watch Ethan as he slept, a knot of worry tightening in her chest with each moan that escaped his lips. She sensed something wasn't right, so she called for backup. With trembling fingers, she dialed Logan's number, her heart racing as she heard the phone ring.

"Hey, Logan," she said, trying to keep her voice steady despite the fear gnawing at her insides.

Logan's gruff voice came through the line, and Olivia felt a wave of relief wash over her.

"Olivia, what's wrong?" he asked, his tone immediately shifting to one of concern.

"It's Ethan," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "He's really sick and burning up. He keeps moaning and talking in his sleep."

"I'll be right there," Logan replied without hesitation, his voice filled with determination.

Olivia felt a rush of gratitude as Logan's familiar presence lent her a sense of stability amidst the chaos of her emotions. His calm demeanor was like a lifeline, grounding her. Logan's swift assessment of Ethan confirmed her own fears, validating her decision to seek help. His nod of approval was a small reassurance in the face of Ethan's deteriorating condition.

With Logan's help, they managed to maneuver Ethan into the car, his weakened state a stark reminder of his vulnerability. Olivia's heart ached at the sight of him, his usual strength and vitality overshadowed by illness.

Arriving at the hospital felt like a relief and a daunting step into the unknown. The nurse's efficient guidance eased some of Olivia's anxiety, though a sense of helplessness quickly replaced it as Ethan was wheeled away from her.

"I'll take care of the paperwork here, Olivia," Logan assured her, his voice steady and reassuring. Olivia nodded, grateful for his support, yet unable to shake the gnawing worry that lingered in her chest.

As she waited in the sterile hallway, every passing second felt like an eternity. The harsh fluorescent lights seemed to magnify her unease, casting long shadows that mirrored her growing apprehension.

Daniel's familiar voice suddenly cut through the tense silence, his concern palpable as he hurried towards her. Olivia managed a weak smile, grateful for his presence amidst the uncertainty.

"Olivia!" Daniel exclaimed, his eyes scanning her for any signs of distress. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice tinged with genuine concern.

"I'm fine, Daniel," she replied, though the tremor in her voice betrayed her inner turmoil. "It's Ethan... Something's wrong," she confessed, her worry spilling over.

"It's okay, Olivia," Daniel murmured, his voice a soothing balm to her frayed nerves. Daniel's reassuring words provided a small measure of comfort to Olivia as he pulled her into a comforting embrace. She leaned into him, grateful for his steadying presence amidst the uncertainty that threatened to overwhelm her. 

"I'm one of the doctors on call here tonight. I'll see what I can find out. Have a seat here, and don't worry, okay?"

Olivia nodded, her gratitude for Daniel's reassurance evident in her eyes. "Thank you, Daniel," she said softly, her voice tinged with appreciation. "I appreciate it."

As Daniel hurried off to attend to Ethan, Olivia sank into one of the nearby chairs, her thoughts consumed by worry. She clasped her hands tightly together, her heart heavy with concern.

"I'm really nervous," she admitted in a hushed tone, her voice barely above a whisper. "I've never seen him like this."

Daniel's comforting presence lingered in her mind, his words of reassurance echoing in her ears. She closed her eyes, drawing strength from his promise to return soon. At that moment, she was thankful Daniel was there. 

"It will be okay, Olivia," she whispered to herself, her words a silent prayer for Ethan's recovery. "It will be okay."