Am I Dead?

The first thing Ethan saw when he opened his eyes was a beautiful angel. "Am I dead?" he said, looking around. "Because I see a beautiful angel in front of me."

Olivia laughed, a mixture of relief and joy flooding her at Ethan's playful words. "You wish," she teased gently, her eyes soft with affection as she squeezed his hand.

Logan, stepping closer, couldn't resist adding his own quip. "Glad to see you awake, man," he said, patting Ethan's arm. 

Ethan's lips curled into a grin, his gaze shifting between Olivia and Logan. "Wait, maybe I am in hell," he mused, feigning contemplation. "Because I think I see the devil right here."

"Come on, Ethan," Logan retorted with a grin, "I'm your guardian angel, not the devil."

Ethan raised an eyebrow, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Could've fooled me," he quipped, though his smile betrayed his jesting tone.

Logan smirked, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "If you hadn't just recovered from surgery, I would literally whip your ass right now," he retorted, his tone playful yet affectionate.

Olivia watched the playful exchange between the two brothers, grateful for their lightheartedness in what could have been a much more somber moment. Ethan's recovery was a relief, and she felt a surge of gratitude for having him back by her side.

Olivia gently tried to pull away to grab Ethan some water, but he held onto her hand firmly, not wanting her to leave even for a moment. "Stay right here, angel, so that I can look at you," he murmured, his voice filled with warmth and adoration. "Please tell me what happened because things aren't too clear right now."

"Ethan," she said softly, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks at his endearing words. "The details are a little fuzzy for you right now, but you had a high fever," she explained gently, her eyes meeting his with concern. "Logan came over, and we brought you to the ER. You had appendicitis and needed emergency surgery."

His brows furrowed in confusion as he listened. "Emergency surgery?" he echoed, disbelief evident in his voice. "But... I don't remember any of it."

Olivia nodded sympathetically, her fingers intertwining with his. "It all happened so quickly," she reassured him, trying to ease his worries. 

Ethan's expression softened as he processed the information. "I don't even remember feeling sick," he admitted, a hint of frustration in his voice.

"It's okay," Olivia said soothingly, squeezing his hand. You're here now, and you're going to be okay."

Olivia blushed as Ethan's fingers brushed against her face. " You are so beautiful," he whispered, his words sinking into her heart. 

"Oh, Ethan, stop," she chuckled softly, trying to deflect his compliments. "You're high on medicine right now."

But Ethan was persistent. "No, I'm telling the truth," he insisted, his gaze unwavering. "Thank you for taking care of me."

At his gratitude, Olivia felt warmth spread through her chest, and she smiled softly. "Of course, Ethan. I'll always be here for you," she replied sincerely.

As Ethan inquired about his next steps, Olivia's hesitancy was palpable. "We're waiting for the doctor to give us a report," she explained, her voice tinged with concern. She glanced at Logan, who had a mischievous grin.

Ethan turned to Logan with gratitude. "Thanks, man, for helping out," he said appreciatively. "I know it's late, so feel free to head out if you need to."

Logan leaned back, crossing his arms casually. "I think I'll hang out and see what the doctor says," he replied nonchalantly. "I don't want to miss out on this."

Olivia's eyes widened in alarm, and she shot Logan another warning look. But Ethan's attention was focused on Logan now, and his confusion was evident.

"What's happening, Olivia?" he asked, sensing there was more to the situation than met the eye.

Daniel entered the room with impeccable timing, and a tense silence enveloped the space. Ethan's expression turned from confusion to disbelief, his jaw tensing as he processed the situation. Olivia's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she shifted uncomfortably under Daniel's gaze.

"How's the patient?" Daniel's voice cut through the awkwardness, but his eyes lingered on Olivia, a mixture of longing and regret evident in his gaze.

Ethan's grip tightened on Olivia's hand, his protective instincts kicking in. "What the hell?" he exclaimed, his voice laced with irritation.

Olivia shot Ethan a pleading look, silently urging him to remain calm. "Mr. Jameson," Daniel continued, addressing Ethan, "I performed your operation, and everything went well."

Ethan's eyes narrowed, his suspicion growing as he took in Daniel's glances at Olivia. He could sense the longing radiating from Daniel, and quite frankly, it pissed him off.

Logan, ever the observer, leaned back in his chair with a smirk, thoroughly enjoying the drama unfolding before him. He remained silent, content to watch the dynamics play out before him.

The air in the room crackled with unspoken tension. Each person grappled with their own emotions and desires, unsure how to navigate the complicated web of relationships intertwining them.

After Daniel's reassurance about the successful surgery, the conversation shifted to Ethan's recovery process. Daniel explained that recovery from appendicitis surgery typically involves a few days in the hospital for observation, followed by a gradual return to normal activities.

He advised Ethan to take it easy for the next few days, emphasizing the importance of rest and allowing his body time to heal. Ethan nodded, still processing Daniel's unexpected presence and the lingering tension in the room.

Olivia stepped in, offering to stay with Ethan during his recovery and provide any assistance he needed. Ethan appreciated her support, squeezing her hand in gratitude.

As the discussion turned to discharge plans and follow-up appointments, Logan excused himself, sensing the need for privacy between Ethan and Olivia. He promised to check in later and left the room, leaving the couple alone with Daniel.

With Logan gone, the atmosphere in the room became more subdued, the weight of unresolved emotions hanging in the air. Ethan and Olivia exchanged a glance, silently acknowledging the complexity of their situation.

Daniel, sensing the tension, offered a reassuring smile. "You're in good hands," he said, his gaze lingering on Olivia momentarily before he excused himself, leaving Ethan and Olivia to process the day's events in quiet contemplation.

As Ethan beckoned her to his side, Olivia hesitated, concern etched on her features. She didn't want to risk causing him any discomfort, especially after his surgery. But the earnest look in his eyes melted her resolve.

"I don't want to hurt you, Ethan," Olivia murmured, her voice filled with apprehension.

Ethan's expression softened as he reached to take her hand, his touch reassuring. "I'll feel better with you beside me," he insisted, his tone gentle yet determined.

His words tugged at Olivia's heartstrings, and she relented, carefully easing herself onto the bed beside him. As she settled into the space next to him, she couldn't deny the sense of comfort that washed over her, knowing she could provide him with some solace in his time of need.

As Olivia settled beside Ethan, she felt the warmth of his body and the gentle rise and fall of his chest with each breath. His eyes, still clouded with the remnants of anesthesia, gazed at her with a tenderness that melted her heart.

"You are the best damn thing that has ever happened to me, Olivia," Ethan whispered, his voice soft yet filled with sincerity. "You truly are my angel."

Her heart fluttered at his words, and she felt a rush of affection for this man lying beside her. Their closeness felt intimate in the dim light of the hospital room, as if they were the only two people in the world.

As Ethan reached out to brush a stray strand of hair from her face, Olivia felt a surge of emotion wash over her. His touch was gentle yet filled with a depth of feeling that resonated with her own.

"Let's get some sleep," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. But as she closed her eyes, she couldn't shake the sensation of Ethan's presence beside her, his words lingering in the air like a promise of something more.