Stuck in New York


Ethan had purposely avoided contacting Olivia all day, hoping to build the anticipation for their night together. He couldn't wait to see her in the dress he had carefully selected, imagining how stunning she would look in the deep red sequins. His penthouse was meticulously prepared for their return from dinner. He had stocked it with her favorite wine, an assortment of gourmet cheeses, fresh strawberries, and a selection of decadent chocolates. Soft, ambient lighting created a warm, inviting atmosphere, and a playlist of their favorite songs was queued up, ready to play. He hoped all his planning would pay off and make the night unforgettable.

His phone rang as he put the final touches on his outfit—a tailored black suit with a crisp white shirt. A sinking feeling settled in his stomach when he saw Logan's name on the screen. He answered with a mix of hope and anxiety.

"Logan, this better be good news, please."

"Shit, man," Logan said, frustration evident in his voice. "I'm so sorry, but my plane got delayed, and I'm stuck in New York. I waited until the last minute to call because I hoped it would work out."

Ethan closed his eyes briefly, taking a deep breath to quell his disappointment. "Damn it, Logan," he muttered. "I was counting on you to handle everything with Lauren and Kriss Industries at the fundraiser."

"I know, Ethan, and I hate to let you down. Believe me, if I could be there, I would. But you're going to have to attend the fundraiser. We really need to close this deal with Kriss Industries. I know it's difficult for you with Lauren there, but keep it business."

"Damn it," Ethan muttered, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "You've ruined a perfect date night that I had planned. How am I going to make this up to Olivia?"

"I'm sorry, Ethan," Logan said again. "I hate to put you in this position, but this deal is crucial for the company."

Ethan sighed, the weight of responsibility pressing down on him. He had been looking forward to this night with Olivia for days, and now it felt like everything was falling apart. "Alright, I'll go," he said finally. "But you owe me, Logan. Big time."

"I know, man. I'll make it up to you somehow. Thanks for stepping up."

Ethan ended the call and took a moment to gather himself. He couldn't shake off the disappointment but knew he had to handle this situation carefully. Olivia had been so excited about their date night, and now he had to break the news to her. 

Ethan took a deep breath and dialed Olivia's number, his heart heavy with the impending conversation. He hated to disappoint her, especially after her excitement for their date night. When she answered, he could hear the eagerness in her voice, which made it even harder.

"Hey, Ethan! Are you on your way?" Olivia's cheerful voice greeted him.

"Hey, Liv," he began, trying to keep his tone steady. "Listen, something came up at work last minute, and I must take care of it tonight."

There was a pause on the other end of the line. "What happened? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine," he said, hoping to reassure her. "It's just a situation that Logan was supposed to handle, but his plane got stuck in New York, and I have to step in."

Olivia's voice softened, but he could sense a hint of suspicion. "What kind of situation? What's going on, Ethan?"

"It's just some urgent business that can't wait," he said, trying to sound casual. "I really wish I could explain more, but I need to be there."

"Urgent business?" she repeated, her tone sharpening. "Ethan, you're being really vague. Why can't you just tell me what's going on?"

He hesitated, not wanting to reveal too much. "It's just some client issues, Olivia. I promise it's nothing major but needs my attention tonight."

"Client issues?" she asked, her suspicion growing. 

Ethan winced inwardly. "Liv, it's just work. I really don't want you to worry about it. I'm handling it."

Olivia sighed. "Ethan, I appreciate that, but I'd rather you be honest with me. Keeping things from me only makes it worse."

"I know, Liv," he said, his voice softening. "I'm sorry. I should've been more upfront. Can we reschedule our date? I promise I'll make it up to you."

She was silent for a moment, then she said, "Alright. Just be careful, okay? I don't want any more misunderstandings between us."

"I will," he promised. "Thank you for understanding. I'll call you as soon as I'm done, okay?"

"Okay," she said quietly. "Talk to you later, Ethan."

"Talk to you later, Liv," he echoed, hanging up with a heavy heart. He knew he had to tread carefully, both with the unexpected work situation and with Olivia. He only hoped to keep his promise and make it up to her soon.

Ethan took one last look around his penthouse, the wine and delicacies sitting untouched. With a resigned sigh, he grabbed his jacket and headed out the door, determined to make things right with Olivia and turn the evening around.