The Auction

Olivia's mind raced as she walked away from Ethan and Lauren. Get it together, Olivia told herself, trying to steady her breath and calm her racing heart. You knew this wasn't going to be easy. Just hold your head high and get through tonight.

Just then, she felt a gentle yet firm hand grab her arm. She turned to see a beautiful woman in an elegant dress. The woman was stunning, with long, flowing auburn hair cascading over her shoulders. Her deep emerald green dress hugged her curves perfectly and was adorned with intricate beadwork that shimmered in the light. Her eyes were a piercing blue, and she carried herself with a grace and confidence that immediately commanded attention.

"There you are," the woman said with a warm smile. "Come along. The auction is about to start."

"What?" Olivia was confused, her thoughts still jumbled from her encounter with Ethan.

"The finale to the auction, dear. We auction off dates, and after that performance, you'll bring in a pretty penny for the fundraiser."

Olivia blinked, trying to process the woman's words. "Auction off dates?"

"Yes, it's a tradition here," the woman explained, gently but firmly guiding Olivia back towards the stage area. "And after that performance you just gave, everyone will be eager to bid on a date with you. You did wonderfully, by the way."

Olivia's mind reeled at the prospect. She had never imagined she'd be part of something like this. But maybe, she thought, this is my chance to turn things around tonight. If I can focus on this and not on Ethan...

She took a deep breath, letting the woman's words bolster her confidence. "Thank you," she said, managing a small smile. "I appreciate the compliment."

"Of course," the woman replied, leading Olivia towards the stage. "Now, let's get you ready. You're going to be the star of the auction tonight."

Olivia found herself once again backstage, surrounded by a flurry of activity. The area buzzed with excitement as other ladies, dressed in their finest, prepared for the auction. Makeup artists moved swiftly, applying the final touches to ensure each woman looked her best. The air was filled with laughter and chatter, the atmosphere electric with anticipation.

Olivia smiled to herself. Twice in one night, she had ended up in situations she hadn't bargained for—first joining the band and now becoming a part of the auction. For someone who liked to stay in the background, she was being thrust into the limelight tonight.

A makeup artist approached her, brush in hand. "You have such natural beauty," the artist said, smiling. "Just a few touches here and there, and you'll be perfect."

Olivia nodded, still absorbing everything that had happened. She sat down in a chair, allowing the artist to work. She glanced around and noticed the other women's dresses, each more stunning than the last. Their excitement was contagious, and despite the emotional rollercoaster of the evening, she felt a spark of excitement, too.

The woman who had pulled her aside earlier reappeared, her elegant dress gliding effortlessly as she moved. "You're handling this wonderfully," she said, her voice calm and reassuring. "Remember, tonight's goal is to raise as much as possible for the fundraiser. Just be yourself and have fun."

Olivia nodded again, her smile growing. "Thank you. It's been quite a night."

The woman laughed softly. "But you're doing great. Just think of this as an adventure."

Olivia took a deep breath and looked in the mirror. Her makeup was flawless, enhancing her natural features. She felt a rush of confidence. Maybe this is precisely what I need, she thought—a chance to shine and prove that I can handle whatever comes my way.

As the final preparations were made, Olivia couldn't help but reflect on the night's events. From the unexpected performance to this new role in the auction, she was being pushed out of her comfort zone in ways she hadn't anticipated. But instead of feeling overwhelmed, she felt a newfound sense of determination. She wanted to do this not just for the cause but to show Ethan—and herself—that she could stand on her own, no matter how deeply he had hurt her.

"Ready?" the elegant woman asked, extending her hand.

Olivia stood, smoothing her dress and taking the woman's hand. "Ready."

With one last look in the mirror, Olivia walked towards the stage, her heart pounding but her spirits high. Tonight, she would embrace the unexpected and make the most of every moment, proving to Ethan and herself that she was strong and resilient.

Olivia was fidgeting, her nerves fraying as she looked around. No one here knew her, and she couldn't imagine bringing in much money for the event. She stood shoulder to shoulder with many socialites, each woman radiating confidence and poise. This definitely wasn't her scene. She felt out of place, a stark contrast to the glitz and glamour around her.

The auction began with the men, and Olivia watched in amazement as they entered one by one from the other side of the stage. The highest bid so far had been $25,000. $25,000 for one date? She couldn't believe it. This was way out of her league. She was hoping to raise a couple of hundred at the very least.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the announcer's voice booming through the speakers, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a special treat for you tonight. The CEO of Jameson Enterprises is a man of outstanding leadership and bachelor qualities, Ethan Jameson!"