16. Dinner With April

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With the preliminary discussions wrapped up, Dusty and Steve left April to explore the facility. Sandro took the opportunity to give her a tour, showing her the training areas, locker rooms, and common spaces. They chatted about their respective training routines and shared tips.

As they walked through the gym, Sandro couldn't help but feel a growing admiration for April's dedication. "You're really passionate about wrestling," he remarked.

April nodded. "I am. It's been my dream for as long as I can remember. There's something about being in the ring that makes me feel alive."

"I know exactly what you mean," Sandro said, smiling. "It's the same for me. The discipline, the focus, the rush of performing it all just clicks for me, it just satisfies me and helped me going through my life."

April looked thoughtful. "It's not just about the matches, though. It's also the connection and the friendships we build along the way. That's what keeps me going, even when things get tough."

Sandro agreed wholeheartedly. "Absolutely. Last night with the guys reminded me of that. We're all in this together, supporting each other."

They continued their tour, eventually reaching the ring where some of the trainees were already practicing. Sandro introduced April to a few of them, and they welcomed her warmly.

"Alright, I should probably get to my own training," Sandro said, glancing at the clock. "But let's catch up later?"

"Definitely," April said, giving him a friendly nod. "Thanks for showing me around, Sandro."

As Sandro joined the others for his training session, he couldn't help but feel energized by April's presence. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and he knew having her at FCW would only push him to work harder.

The rest of the day flew by in a blur of intense training. Sandro pushed himself to the limit, driven by his renewed sense of purpose. By the time the session ended, he was exhausted but satisfied with his progress.

After a quick shower and change, Sandro headed to the common area where April was chatting with some of the other female wrestlers, including the Bella Twins. He joined the group, enjoying the easy conversation that had developed.

Nicole and Brianna immediately positioned themselves on either side of Sandro. They introduced April to him, unaware that Sandro and April already knew each other. Sandro smiled at the twins and said, "I already know April. We met by accident yesterday at the mall, and today I helped her get acquainted with the FCW facilities."

April gave a sweet smile and nodded. "Yes, Sandro has been very hospitable and kind, helping me adjust to FCW."

Sandro returned her smile brightly. Nicole and Brianna, noticing the somewhat flirty atmosphere between Sandro and April, exchanged a quick, sullen glance. They had been interested in Sandro since they first saw him.

He was young, cheerful, and handsome, with a good background and a personality that combined politeness with a strong backbone.

"So, April," Nicole said, trying to steer the conversation, "what's your training schedule like at WSU?"

April turned her attention to Nicole, still smiling. "It's pretty rigorous. We train almost daily, focusing on both technical skills and physical conditioning. I'm looking forward to incorporating some of FCW's training methods into my routine."

Brianna nodded, impressed. "Sounds intense. But it's great that you're already familiar with such a demanding schedule. It should make the transition here smoother."

April agreed, and the conversation shifted to various training techniques and experiences. Sandro listened, occasionally contributing, but he couldn't help but notice the subtle tension between the Bella Twins and April.

As the conversation continued, Dusty and Steve approached the group. "How's everyone doing?" Dusty asked, his voice booming.

"Great," Sandro replied, flashing a grin. "We were just talking about training routines."

"Good to hear," Steve said. "April, we've worked out a preliminary schedule for you. It aligns with your WSU commitments, so you won't have to choose between the two."

April's face lit up with gratitude. "Thank you so much. I really appreciate the flexibility."

Dusty smiled. "We value talent and dedication. We're glad to have you with us."

April thanked them again, and the conversation gradually wound down as everyone began to disperse. Sandro stayed behind with Dusty and Steve, eager to get their input on his performance.

"How was my training today?" Sandro asked, his tone earnest.

"You're improving," Dusty said, nodding. "Your strength and agility have increased noticeably."

Steve agreed. "Keep up the hard work, Sandro. You're on the right track and maybe soon we could hold an evaluation match, to see whether you could do your first match here at FCW."

Feeling encouraged and excited by what Steve said, Sandro thanked them and headed to his locker to gather his things. As he walked down the hallway, April caught up with him.

"Hey, Sandro," she called, her voice echoing slightly in the empty corridor.

He turned, smiling as he saw her. "Hey, April. What's up?"

"I just wanted to thank you again for today," she said, her expression sincere. "You've made my first day here much easier."

"It's no problem at all," Sandro replied. "I'm glad I could help. And it's nice to have another friend here."

April's smile widened. "Same here. By the way, do you have plans for tonight? Maybe we could grab dinner and continue our conversation from yesterday."

Sandro hesitated for a moment, aware of the potential complications given the Bella Twins' sudden subtle animosity with April as they were his friends, but he decided to take a chance. "I'd love that. Where should we meet?"

"How about that Italian place near the mall?" April suggested. "I heard they have great food."

"Sounds perfect," Sandro agreed. "I'll meet you there at seven."

"Great," April said, her eyes sparkling. "See you then!"

They parted ways, and Sandro felt a sense of excitement for the evening. As he drove home, he reflected on the sudden tension between April and Bella Twins, confused as to why there was sudden tension even though the three of them actually talked happily with each other previously.

That evening, Sandro arrived at the Italian restaurant a few minutes early. He chose a cozy table near the window and waited for April. She arrived shortly after, looking radiant and smiling warmly as she joined him.

"Hey, Sandro," she greeted him, sitting down. "This place looks great."

"It does," Sandro agreed. "Thanks for suggesting it."

They ordered their meals and fell into an easy conversation. They talked about their wrestling goals, shared stories from their training, and even touched on their personal lives. Sandro found himself increasingly impressed by April's determination and passion.

"You know," April said at one point, "I think we're going to make a great team, both in and out of the ring. We should suggest a mixed tag team training to Dusty and Steve in the future."

"I think so too, that's a great idea." Sandro agreed. "I'm glad we met, April. I have a feeling this is the start of something really good."

April smiled, raising her glass. "To new beginnings and great friendships."

Sandro clinked his glass against hers. "To new beginnings."

After raising their glasses to new beginnings, Sandro and April continued their conversation. Their food soon arrived, and they enjoyed a delicious meal together.

They chatted about everything from their favorite movies and music to childhood memories and future aspirations. The atmosphere was light and easy, filled with laughter and mutual respect.

As their dinner came to a close, Sandro couldn't help but feel a deeper connection with April. She was not only dedicated and hardworking but also warm and genuine. It was a refreshing combination that he found himself increasingly drawn to.

"That was a fantastic dinner," April said, leaning back in her chair contentedly.

"It really was," Sandro agreed. "I'm glad you suggested this place."

They settled the bill and left the restaurant together, the evening air cool and refreshing. Sandro offered to drive April back to her homestay, and she readily agreed. As they walked toward the parking lot, April's eyes widened when she saw Sandro's car.

"Is this your ride?" she asked, astonished as she took in the sleek lines of the luxurious BMW.

Sandro smiled, amused by her reaction. "Yep. Hop in." He opened the door for her, and she slid into the passenger seat, still looking around in awe.

"Wow, this is nice," April said as she buckled her seatbelt.

"Thanks," Sandro replied, closing the door and walking around to the driver's side. "It's a perk of my family's business. They've done well for themselves."

As they pulled out of the parking lot, April gave Sandro the address of her homestay. The car's engine purred softly as they drove through the city, streetlights casting a warm glow on the road.

"So, tell me more about your family," April said, her curiosity evident but also tried to approach the subject with respect not wanting to cause Sandro to misunderstand.

Sandro glanced at her before returning his eyes to the road. "My Father, Jack, runs a successful chain of resorts here in Florida. As for my mother, Taylor was a successful Lawyer and had her one Law firm, which was also successful in her own right. They worked really hard to build it from the ground up, and it paid off. I've always admired their dedication and work ethic."

April listened intently, nodding while trying to keep her face normal at the revelation of Lie Fan's family background. "That explains a lot about you. You have that same drive and determination both your father and mother have."

Sandro smiled at her compliment. "Thanks. They always emphasized the importance of working hard and staying focused on your goals. It's something that's stuck with me."

April looked thoughtful. "It must have been a unique experience growing up in a family like that, because not many people will share the same vision as yours due to the easy life they could have."

"It was," Sandro agreed. "I had a lot of opportunities, but there were also high expectations. They wanted me to find my own path, though, and wrestling became that path for me. It's something I'm passionate about, and they're supportive of it."

April's eyes sparkled with understanding. "I can relate to that. My family has always supported my dreams, even when it seemed like a long shot. Having that kind of backing makes a huge difference."

Sandro nodded with a warm smile etched across his face. "It really does. I'm grateful for them every day."

They continued talking, sharing more about their families and personal journeys. The conversation flowed naturally, and Sandro felt a sense of ease with April that he hadn't felt with anyone in a long time.

Eventually, they arrived at April's homestay. Sandro pulled up to the curb and turned off the engine. "Here we are," he said.

April turned to him, smiling warmly. "Thanks for the ride, Sandro. And for the wonderful evening."

"Anytime," Sandro replied, matching her smile. "I'm glad we got to spend some time together and get to know each other a bit more."

April hesitated for a moment, then leaned over and gave him a quick hug which illicit a small blush on her face. "Goodnight, Sandro. See you tomorrow at training?"

"Absolutely," Sandro said, feeling a pleasant warmth from the hug. "Goodnight, April."

She got out of the car and waved before heading into her homestay. Sandro watched her go, feeling a mix of happiness and expectation. This day had been filled with unexpected but welcome developments, and he looked forward to what the future held.

Driving home, Sandro reflected on the evening. The connection he felt with April was undeniable, and he was excited to see where their friendship and potentially more might lead. For now, he was content to enjoy the journey, knowing that with people like April by his side, the future was bright.


Name: Alessandro Zhang

Age: 18 (2008)

Birthplace: Orlando, Florida USA

Brand: None

Wrestling Style: None

Faction: None

Championship History: 0