19. FCW Debut Match

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After several drafts, he felt satisfied with the design and decided to get some rest. The next morning, he visited a local costume designer who specialized in wrestling gear. The designer was impressed with Sandro's detailed sketches and began working on bringing the costume to life.

While he waited for his wrestling gear to be completed, Sandro kept his focus on training. He went to the FCW Headquarters, wanting to push himself to improve his strength, agility, and in-ring techniques. He also wanted to begin acting like the persona he created The Florida Dragon, ready to make his mark in the wrestling world.

As Sandro entered the training area, he spotted Nicole and Brianna. The Bella Twins were busy with their routines but paused when they noticed him. Sandro saw a blush rise to their cheeks, and their usually confident demeanor gave way to a more bashful expression. This change surprised Sandro, as he was accustomed to their flirtatious and bold nature.

"Hey, Nicole. Hey, Brianna," Sandro greeted them casually, trying to keep things normal. He didn't want any awkwardness lingering from their unexpected kisses two days ago.

Nicole and Brianna exchanged glances, their blank stares filled with a mix of confusion and curiosity. Before they could respond, a familiar voice called out Sandro's name from across the room. Turning around, he saw April walking towards them with a bright smile.

"Sandro!" April exclaimed, wrapping him in a warm hug. "Congratulations on passing your evaluation match! I heard you did an amazing job."

Sandro hugged her back, grateful for her support. "Thanks, April. It was a tough match, but I'm glad I made it through. Hey, congratulations also for defending your tag team titles."

April pulled back, her eyes sparkling with pride. "Thanks! And I knew you could do it. You've been working so hard. I'm sure Dusty and Steve were impressed."

Nicole and Brianna watched the interaction silently, their earlier plans to ask Sandro about their bold actions two days ago forgotten in the presence of April. Sensing the underlying tension, Sandro decided to ease the tension between them properly.

But before Sandro could do anything, April turned toward Nicole and Brianna, greeting the two of them with a bright smile. Nicole and Brianna greeted her back, then congratulated April for successfully defending her tag team championships and subtly asked why she had returned to Tampa so quickly, hinting that she might have stayed in New Jersey to celebrate with her partner and family.

April just giggled and said she had a match scheduled for tomorrow's FCW house show and wanted to congratulate Sandro in person. She assured them her tag team partner and family understood.

As the three exchanged words, sparks seemed to fly between them. Sandro, sensing the tension, quickly excused himself, saying he needed to train. He knew running away wasn't the answer, but he wasn't ready to deal with this yet.

As Sandro retreated to the training area, he glanced back to see the three women. April, who had shown a bright, easygoing smile moments ago, now wore a cold smile. Nicole and Brianna matched her icy demeanor.

"Stop pestering Sandro," April said firmly, her eyes narrowing at the Bella Twins.

Nicole crossed her arms. "We knew him first. You just got here a few days ago. So you should be the one stop pestering Sandro."

Brianna nodded in agreement. "Exactly. We've been friends with him longer."

April's eyes flashed with determination. "It doesn't matter who knew him first. It's about who he wants to be with, and even if he hasn't made his choice yet I think we all know who he will choose."

The conversation grew more heated, each woman arguing her case. Their voices were low but intense, each trying to assert her claim on Sandro. The tension between them was palpable, and it was clear this was far from resolved.

Meanwhile, Sandro focused on his training, trying to block out the drama. He knew he had to address the situation eventually, but right now, he needed to prepare for his upcoming debut.

He pushed himself hard, running through drills and practicing new moves. His mind kept drifting back to the tension between April, Nicole, and Brianna, but he forced himself to stay focused.

After a grueling training session, Sandro headed to the locker room to shower and change. He was exhausted, both physically and mentally. As he was getting dressed, his phone buzzed with a text message. It was from Dusty, asking him to come to his office.

Sandro made his way to Dusty's office, wondering what the meeting was about. When he arrived, Dusty greeted him warmly and motioned for him to sit down.

"How's the training going, kid?" Dusty asked, leaning back in his chair.

"It's going well," Sandro replied. "I'm feeling more confident every day."

Dusty nodded. "Good to hear. I wanted to talk to you about your debut match. We've got it scheduled for next week."

Sandro's heart raced with excitement. "Next week? That's great!"

Dusty smiled. "I knew you'd be excited. We've got big plans for you, Sandro. Your persona, The Florida Dragon, is going to make a big impact if you can showcase your best in your debut match."

Sandro felt a surge of pride. "Thank you, Dusty. I won't let you down."

"I know you won't," Dusty said. "Now, let's talk about your first opponent. We're thinking of having you face one of our top heels currently, Drew or Stu. It'll be a great way to showcase your skills and get the crowd behind you, and you will be winning the match. There wouldn't be any impact for either of them because they are tag team champions and single natch wasn't their focus currently."

Sandro listened intently as Dusty outlined the plan. He felt a mix of excitement and nerves, but he knew he was ready for this challenge. After the meeting, he called his father and mother informing them of his debut match schedule before heading home, his mind buzzing with thoughts of his debut.

That evening, Sandro received a call from the costume designer. His wrestling gear was ready. Sandro headed to the designer's shop, eager to see the final product. When he arrived, the designer presented him with the costume. It was perfect. The red and gold colors popped, the dragon imagery on his wrestling tights and the center back of his coat was striking, and the materials were sleek and flexible.

"Try it on," the designer said, smiling with pride at his masterpiece.

Sandro changed into the costume and looked at himself in the mirror. He felt a surge of confidence. This was the persona he had envisioned. He thanked the designer and headed home, eager to show his friends.

The next day, Sandro arrived at the FCW Headquarters bringing his new gear. He put it on and showed it to His friends who were impressed, and he received compliments from everyone. When he reached the training area, he found Nicole, Brianna, and April waiting for him.

"Wow, Sandro, you look amazing!" Nicole exclaimed as she tried to stick her finger on his biceps, but was stopped by Brianna.

Brianna nodded. "Yeah, you really look like The Florida Dragon persona you wanted."

April smiled warmly. "I love it. It suits you perfectly. Are you thinking of training with your new gear to adapt your style and in ring moves?"

Sandro felt a wave of gratitude. "Thanks, three of you. I'm really excited for my debut. And yes to your question April, I wanted to adjust myself in acting how my persona and try to live the character so it would be authentic."

As he said those words, Sandro could see that the tension between the three women seemed to have eased, at least for now. They congratulated Sandro and wished him luck for his debut match next week. Sandro felt relieved. He knew the situation was still complicated, but for the moment, things felt normal.

As the days progressed, Sandro focused on his training. He ran through drills with his friends, honing his techniques and perfecting his moves. He also spent time working on his entrance, practicing his walk to the ring, the timing of his music, and his promo skills.

He also faced many spar matches with wrestlers other than his friends, each match adding to his experience and helping him grow as a wrestler.

Sandro had also contacted the Living Colour singer, their label, and their publisher about paying the copyright for the song "Cult Of Personality" as his entrance song. At first, they refused because Sandro was unknown in the wrestling industry and they didn't have any benefit other than financial benefits.

But all of that changed at a fast speed when Sandro offered to pay triple the amount if copyright fees were needed and another large sum of payment, where he asked them to make the song only available to him. The Living Colour singer, their label, and their publisher immediately agreed, because they just received a very large amount of money.

Sandro's parents, Jack and Taylor, arrived in Tampa the day before Sandro's debut match. Sandro picked them up at the airport, and words of encouragement and praise flowed from Jack and Taylor for their son. It was a heartwarming reunion, and Sandro felt bolstered by their presence.

The next day, the day of Sandro's debut match, finally arrived. Backstage, Sandro donned his wrestling gear and warmed up with Stu, who would be his debut match opponent. They coordinated the moves they would exchange in their 15-minute match, ensuring everything would go smoothly.

All of Sandro's friends were present, offering words of encouragement and advice. The Bella Twins, Nicole and Brianna, were there, along with April, who gave Sandro a reassuring pat on the back. Even amidst their personal tensions, they rallied around Sandro, united in their support for his big moment.

Dusty joined them, briefing Sandro, Stu, and Drew on the match's opening sequence. "The match will start with a promo from Drew and Stu as the FCW tag team champions," Dusty explained. "Typical heel promo, boasting about their dominance on the tag team division and coudlcealsit dominetcthe singles division. That's when your entrance song hits, Sandro, and you walk out under the crowd's confused gaze. You cut a promo challenging them, and that's when the match starts between you and Stu."

Sandro nodded, absorbing the instructions. He felt a mixture of nerves and excitement. He had been working towards this moment for so long, and now it was finally here.

The arena buzzed with energy as the show began. The lights dimmed, and the crowd roared with anticipation. Drew and Stu made their way to the ring under the boos of the crowd, their tag team championship belts glinting under the arena lights.

They grabbed microphones and began their promo, boasting about their prowess and hinting that they could easily dominate the singles competition as well.

Sandro waited backstage, his heart pounding. Then, his entrance song, "Cult of Personality" by Living Colour, blared through the speakers. The crowd's confusion was palpable as Sandro walked out, embodying The Florida Dragon persona. He strode to the ring with confidence, his new gear gleaming.

He grabbed a microphone and faced Drew and Stu. "You two love to brag," Sandro said, his voice steady. "But can you back up those words? If you're so sure of yourselves, why don't you prove it to the FCW family watching here and at home?"

Drew and Stu laughed derisively. "Who do you think you are, mate?" Drew sneered. "You're an unknown rookie, interrupting the tag team champions who were conducting their business. You've got some nerve coming out here alone, mate."

Sandro smirked. "I'm Sandro Zhang," he declared. "And I'm here to show everyone that your reign of arrogance ends now." With that, Sandro punched Drew in the face, sending him staggering back. Before Stu could retaliate, a referee rushed into the ring, signaling the start of the match between Sandro and Stu.

The crowd erupted as the bell rang, rallying behind Sandro as he dared to come face to face with two heels and punch one of them in the face. Sandro and Stu circled each other, the tension crackling in the air. Sandro's parents watched from the front row, their faces a mixture of pride and anxiety.

Stu charged at Sandro, but Sandro sidestepped and countered with a dropkick to Stu's back causing him to fall face first into the mate.

The match was intense, with both of them exchanging a series of high-impact moves. Stu used his size and strength to his advantage, while Sandro relied on his agility, speed, and strength as well.

At ringside, Drew shouted instructions to Stu, trying to distract Sandro. But Sandro remained focused, determined to make a strong impression. He executed a series of swift, precise moves, showcasing his training and skill.

As the match progressed, Sandro found his rhythm. He delivered a series of powerful kicks and punches, driving Stu into the corner. The crowd was on their feet, cheering for The Florida Dragon, impressed by the dominance he showed on his debut.

Stu managed to gain the upper hand briefly, overpowering Sandro with a devastating Uranage slam when Sandro tried to clothesline Stu who was standing with his back on the corner.

Stu then grabs Sandro by his head and hit Sandeo with a couple of back elbows and slams him once again with a power slam, causing the crowd to boo at Stu who shows that he enjoys the booing by taunting the crowds.

But unknown to Stu, Sandro staggered up to his feet and turned Stu around, using his resilience and quick thinking. He hit Stu on the gut and put his arm around Stu's neck, then hit him with a devastating DDT, leaving Stu dazed.

Sandro seized the opportunity. He climbed to the top rope, the crowd's cheers growing louder. With a deep breath, he launched himself into the air, executing a perfect flying shooting star press on Stu. The impact was tremendous, and Sandro quickly covered Stu for the pin. The referee's hand slapped the mat once, twice, and before the thrice time, Stu kicked out from the pin in the dismay of the crowd and Sandro who acted while telling the reference should have been three.


Name: Alessandro Zhang

Age: 18 (2008)

Birthplace: Orlando, Florida USA

Brand: FCW

Wrestling Style: Mixed Of All Style

Faction: None

Championship History: 0