24. The Lehman Brothers Crisis

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As everything seemed to be going well, a phone call from Sandro's father shattered his focus. The Lehman Brothers had announced their bankruptcy, triggering a financial crisis that sent shockwaves throughout the United States and beyond. The economy was in freefall, and every sector was affected. Sandro listened to his father explain the gravity of the situation, as he never expected that the crisis would happen much faster than he knew.

Even though Sandro was caught off guard by the news, he took a deep breath, forcing himself to stay calm. His father's anxious voice on the other end of the line reflected the gravity of the situation, but Sandro knew that panic wouldn't help. He needed to think clearly, not just for his own sake, but for the future they were trying to build.

"Dad," Sandro said, his voice steady despite the whirlwind of thoughts racing through his mind, "did you manage to dump all of the Lehman Brothers stock?"

There was a brief pause before Jack responded, his tone slightly calmer now. "Yeah, we sold the last of it two days ago. We're still processing the funds, though. Haven't had the time to buy and short sell again."

Sandro nodded, even though his father couldn't see him. "Good. That's a relief." He let out a slow breath, the weight on his chest easing slightly. "Listen, Dad, this is our chance. While everyone's panicking, prices are going to fluctuate wildly. We need to move quickly and start acquiring assets. The companies, land, buildings, malls. Everything we've had our eye on, we can get at a fraction of the cost."

Jack seemed to catch on to his son's thinking. "You're right. This could be the opportunity of a lifetime. With the funds we have, we can build something incredible."

"Exactly," Sandro agreed. "But we need to be strategic about it. We should aim for the best prices we can get, but we also have to be prepared for the long haul. This crisis is going to shake things up for a while and we don't know when the economy will recover, so we need to be smart about how we spend our money."

Jack's voice was filled with determination now. "Don't worry, son. I'll handle it. I'll make sure we get the best deals and use our funds wisely. This could be the start of something big, bigger than we ever imagined."

They spent the next several minutes discussing their strategy in detail, mapping out their next moves. Sandro suggested reserving a portion of their funds as a safety net while using the rest to acquire key assets that would be vital to their empire's growth.

They talked about potential investments, companies they could take over, and properties that would be valuable in the future. Jack promised to take immediate action, and after finalizing their plans, they ended the call.

Sandro remained standing by the large window of his apartment, gazing out over the city of Tampa. The sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows across the skyline. It was a beautiful sight, but Sandro's mind was elsewhere. He knew this crisis would impact every aspect of life, including the wrestling industry. The question was, how would he use this to his advantage?

He considered the idea that had been lingering in the back of his mind for a while now which is investing in WWE. The company was a behemoth in the wrestling world, and having a small share could give him some influence over his future decisions when he joined WWE.

He imagined the potential leverage it could give him when the time came for him to join WWE. Vince McMahon was known for his iron grip on creative decisions, but if Sandro held even a minor stake in the company, it might make the legendary promoter think twice before dismissing his ideas.

The idea of having a say in the direction of the company, especially in the creative decisions that will often be criticized by fans and insiders alike in the future, was too tempting to ignore.

However, Sandro knew that such a move would require careful consideration. WWE, like every other company, would be affected by the financial crisis. Their stock might plummet, which would make it an ideal time to buy in, but it was also a risk.

Even if he knew WWE would survive the crisis, if the company struggled too much, it could jeopardize his investment. Still, the potential rewards were immense. With his father's support and the funds they had at their disposal, Sandro felt confident that they could navigate these treacherous waters successfully.

He turned away from the window, his mind made up. He would discuss the idea with his father, but he was already leaning toward taking the plunge. This crisis, while devastating for many, was also a rare opportunity—one that could set them up for life.

Meanwhile, the repercussions of Lehman Brothers' bankruptcy were already being felt across the wrestling industry. FCW was not immune to the economic turmoil, and Sandro could sense the unease among the higher ups.

Dusty Rhodes and Steve Keirn had been working tirelessly to secure additional funds for the women's title, a project that was important to the development of FCE.

The momentum they had built over the past few weeks had been incredible, with the fans and the locker room rallying behind the cause. But now, with the financial crisis looming large, the future of FCW women's division was suddenly uncertain.

Dusty and Steve had almost secured the necessary funding, but the crisis had thrown a wrench into their plans. The higher-ups which was WWE were now more cautious, reluctant to allocate resources to new projects when the economic outlook was so bleak.

It was a frustrating setback, and Sandro could see the concern in Dusty's eyes whenever they discussed the situation. The old-timer was a master at hiding his worries, but Sandro had spent enough time with him to recognize the signs.

Sandro took a deep breath, standing outside Dusty Rhodes' office. He knew that what he was about to propose could change the course of his career and potentially the entire women's division in FCW. But it was a risk he was willing to take. The thought of everything they had worked so hard for, everything the women in the locker room had sacrificed, being derailed by a financial crisis was unbearable. He wasn't about to let that happen.

He knocked on the door, hearing the conversation inside come to an abrupt halt. A moment later, Dusty's familiar voice called out, "Come in!"

Sandro opened the door and stepped into the office. Dusty and Steve Keirn looked up from the table, where they had been poring over a stack of documents. The expressions on their faces were weary, the weight of the crisis evident in their tired eyes. But they managed to muster a small smile when they saw Sandro.

"Sandro, good to see you," Dusty said, gesturing for him to take a seat. Steve nodded in agreement, though his eyes quickly returned to the papers in front of him.

As Sandro sat down, he couldn't help but glance at the documents on the table. The words "additional fund requests," "women's title," and "budget cuts" were scrawled across several pages, some of which had been marked with red ink. It was clear that the situation was even more dire than he had imagined.

He looked up at Dusty and Steve, both of whom were watching him with a mix of curiosity and concern. He knew they were waiting for him to speak, to share whatever had brought him to their office at such a critical time.

Sandro decided to start with a question that had been on his mind since the crisis began. "Is there any progress? Has WWE changed their mind about the budget cuts?"

Dusty and Steve exchanged a glance, both of them sighing heavily. Dusty was the first to speak. "I wish I could say there's been some good news, Sandro, but the truth is, things are looking pretty bleak. WWE has made their decision, and it doesn't look like they're going to budge. The funding we were hoping for just isn't there."

Steve nodded in agreement, his expression grim. "We've tried everything we could to make our case, but the higher-ups are tightening the purse strings. They're not willing to take on any new projects right now, especially with the economy the way it is. We've been fighting for the women's title, but..."

He trailed off, shaking his head. Sandro could see the frustration and disappointment in their eyes, and it mirrored his own feelings. They had all invested so much into this project, and now it seemed like it was slipping through their fingers.

Sandro forced a sad smile, trying to mask the turmoil he felt inside. "I understand," he said softly. "It's a tough situation for everyone. But... what if there was another way? What if we could find the funds from somewhere else?"

Dusty and Steve looked at him curiously, not quite understanding where he was going with this. Sandro hesitated for a moment, knowing that what he was about to suggest would be a bold move, one that could raise eyebrows and possibly even cause some resentment. But he had to do something. He couldn't just stand by and watch as everything they had worked for fell apart.

"What if I provided the funds?" Sandro finally said, his voice steady despite the weight of the words. "Think of it as an investment. I can push for the creation of the women's title myself."

The room fell silent as Dusty and Steve processed what Sandro had just said. Their eyes widened slightly, and they exchanged another look, this one filled with a mixture of surprise and contemplation.

Dusty was the first to break the silence. "Sandro, that's a hell of an offer," he said slowly. "But are you sure you want to do this? We're talking about a significant amount of money here. This isn't just a small investment—it's a big commitment."

Steve nodded in agreement, his expression serious. "And it's not just about the money. You'd be putting yourself out there in a way that could have repercussions down the line. People might see it as you trying to buy your way into the business, trying to wield backstage influence through your wealth."

Sandro nodded, fully aware of the risks. He had considered all of this before coming here, and he knew that there would be those who would question his motives. But he also knew that this was the right thing to do. He believed in the women's division, and he believed in the future they were trying to build.

"I've thought about that," Sandro admitted. "And I know it could come across as me trying to buy my way into the business. But that's not what this is about. This is about making sure that all the hard work we've put into the women's division this past couple of weeks doesn't go to waste. It's about giving the women here the platform they deserve. If I have to use my resources to make that happen, then so be it."

Dusty leaned back in his chair, studying Sandro carefully. There was a look of respect in his eyes, but also a hint of caution. "You've got a lot of heart, Sandro. And I can see that you're passionate about this. But you need to understand that this could change the way people see you. This isn't just about money—it's about perception. Once you go down this road, there's no turning back."

Sandro met Dusty's gaze head-on. "I understand the risks, Dusty. And I'm prepared to deal with the consequences. But I believe in this division, and I believe in what we're trying to achieve. I'm not doing this for myself—I'm doing this for everyone in that locker room who's been fighting for this opportunity."

Steve sighed, rubbing his temples as he considered Sandro's words. "It's a generous offer, Sandro. And it's clear that you're coming from a good place. But we need to be smart about this. We can't just throw money at the problem and hope it goes away. We need a plan."

Dusty nodded in agreement. "Steve's right. If we're going to do this, we need to make sure that the investment is going to pay off. We need to be strategic about how we use the funds and how we present this to the higher-ups so that they don't have any bad impression of you as well and hinder your future. If we can show them that this is a sound investment, we might be able to get them on board."

Sandro leaned forward, his mind racing with ideas. "I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make this work. We can start by funding the women's title and then use the momentum from that to push for more opportunities. We can showcase the women in high-profile tournament matches to crown the champion, then create storylines that resonate with the fans, and prove that the division is not just viable, but essential to FCW's future development."

Dusty and Steve listened intently as Sandro outlined his vision, their expressions slowly shifting from caution to something more hopeful. They could see the potential in what he was suggesting, and they knew that this could be the breakthrough they had been searching for.

After a long moment of silence, Dusty finally spoke. "Alright, Sandro. If you're serious about this, then we'll back you up. But we need to be smart about how we move forward. We'll put together a plan, figure out how to present this to WWE, and make sure that the investment pays off."

Steve nodded, his expression resolute. "This is going to be a tough fight, but with you in our corner, I think we can make it happen. Let's get to work."

The rest of the meeting was spent discussing the details of the plan, with Sandro, Dusty, and Steve working together to map out their next steps. They talked about potential matches, storylines, and promotional strategies that would highlight the women's division and make it impossible for WWE to ignore their efforts.

As the meeting came to a close, Sandro felt a sense of purpose and determination that he hadn't felt in a long time. He knew that this was just the beginning of a long and challenging journey, but he was ready to face whatever obstacles came their way. He had made his decision, and now it was time to follow through. The future of the women's division depended on it.


Name: Alessandro Zhang

Age: 18 (2008)

Birthplace: Orlando, Florida USA

Brand: FCW

Wrestling Style: Mixed Of All Style

Faction: None

Championship History: 0