The Book of the Vishanti

"I was actually very surprised by what I was seeing.These were the main forbidden books, where they explain in detail their consequences and uses. Was the shinobi world and the Marvel world connected?

From the system, she saw the three books. The first one was the Book of Cagliostro, as she remembered from her past life. The Book of Cagliostro is a book from the Ancient One's private collection. It contains the secret of time travel and the recipe for immortality. The problem is that its powers come from the Dark Dimension and can lead any student astray if used without the necessary knowledge or precautions. Doctor Strange himself learned to use the Eye of Agamotto by studying this book.

If anyone asked her, she wouldn't use this book yet as she didn't feel mentally prepared, and she knew it was highly powerful. Then she looked at the second book with analytical eyes.

The Darkhold is a mystical book that holds infinite knowledge and offers its readers what they desire most. Its incalculable energy comes from the Infernal Dimension, where Doctor Strange fought Dormammu in his first movie. It's even said to be the origin of the vampire infestation in the world. In short, it's the ultimate grimoire of black magic in the Marvel universe.

Despite being a known scientist in her past life, her main inspiration was Marvel. A bit crazy, but she never regretted it. Now that she had the mind and the power, she wouldn't waste it. She knew she should develop her mind before using this book, as it can control a person's will.

Finally, she took the last book and smiled as she remembered it. The Book of the Vishanti is the most extensive book of white magic spells on Earth and, therefore, the well-intentioned counterpart of the Darkhold.

The origin of the Book of the Vishanti is unknown, but it's speculated to have been created by practitioners of the occult who had regular contact with the Vishanti. One copy of the Book (when it was still a scroll) was kept in the Library of Alexandria during Cleopatra's reign in ancient Egypt.

The Ancient One acquired it after time-traveling and eventually entrusted it to his disciple, Doctor Strange, who would succeed him as Sorcerer Supreme. He kept the Book of the Vishanti in the library of his Sanctum Sanctorum in Greenwich Village, New York, protected by spells and enchantments.

This particular book didn't have as many consequences, so she decided to use it for now.

In the ninja world, where she didn't possess a unique power, it would be helpful, as anyone, regardless of their abilities, fears the unknown. She knew this from her previous life's knowledge of psychology, so she smiled and started reading it.

She found several techniques to expand the limitations of the mind. She knew that being in the ninja world, her mind would believe she could become stronger by using these techniques. However, she didn't yet have the Sharingan for photographic memory, and she knew it would take a long time to learn. She sighed and touched the book, and to her surprise, the book turned into a bright light and absorbed into her. What the hell?!

She experienced a strong headache and nearly fainted but endured it. She had a clear understanding now. The book had turned into knowledge, and she absorbed it. Having this system was helpful, and it excited her.

After that headache finally stopped, she stood up and tried the basics from the book, a multiversal portal that fragmented space-time to go to another place.

She thought this might be more useful than the Hiraishin since it couldn't be tracked by chakra, as it was natural energy. But her first attempt was futile. A bluish energy only appeared in fragments, but there was nothing. Did she need triggers, like the one the Ancient One used on Doctor Strange?

She returned to the Clan Leader's grand house, not entirely satisfied with her results. She had gained knowledge but couldn't complete the practical part. But upon entering the living room, her father was sitting on a tatami, legs and arms crossed, looking at her with a serious and impassive expression.

She bowed in respect. She didn't have much affection for this man, but she respected that he wanted what was best for the clan, even if his strategies weren't always helpful. Her body was eight years old, but her mind held 28 years of experience, and she knew how to deal with adults.

Tajima spoke with a firm voice, maintaining his egocentrism. "Tomorrow you will accompany me to fight the Senjus once again. It seems that our allied clan needs help and their enemies have hired the Senjus. This war will be on a large scale. Since you lack experience, I will send you to protect the supplies and destroy the from the other clan. Your brothers will go with you."

Madara was infuriated. How could he send children aged 3 to 7? Once again, she remembered what this world could offer."