Madara faced the threat of the Senju with a confident attitude. He couldn't afford to show any weakness in front of this Senju shinobi. With her new knowledge of the Book of Vishanti and the determination to protect her brother, she was ready to face any challenge.

Using his knowledge of the ninja world, he quickly assessed his opponent. "I am Madara Uchiha and I am here to ensure the safety of my clan's supplies. I suggest you reconsider your intentions," he replied calmly, his voice reflecting a touch of arrogance.

The Senju shinobi didn't seem impressed. He stepped forward, forming hand seals, and a surge of chakra surrounded him. "You, Uchiha, are always so confident, but it's time for you to learn your place." He lunged at Madara, aiming to knock her down.

Madara was ready. She gracefully dodged the attack, moving with precise speed and agility that an 8-year-old girl should not have, which surprised the senju shinobi. "If I don't kill him, I'm afraid he will grow more," the senju would think quickly. With a series of hand seals, she responded with a Fire Style jutsu, sending a stream of fire towards her opponent.

The Senju quickly, using Water Style jutsu to extinguish the flames, the most surprising thing is that they were almost even, even though the senju gained the advantage. It was clear that he was a skilled shinobi, but Madara wasn't going to back down. He continued to engage in combat, using his enhanced abilities to keep his opponent on the defensive.

As the battle raged, Madara couldn't help but feel a connection to the original Uchiha Madara. She knew she had the potential to become a formidable kunoichi and was determined to protect her clan and siblings at all costs, she had the knowledge and power now to do so.

The clash between the Uchiha and Senju forces continued, and the outcome of this battle would set the stage for future conflicts in the ninja world. Madara, with his unique combination of knowledge, determination, and newfound abilities, was ready to make his mark on history. Kanji watched in amazement as his older sister, Madara, engaged in a fierce battle with the shinobi Senju. He felt a mixture of fear and admiration as he witnessed his remarkable abilities. However, as the battle progressed, the Senju shinobi saw an opportunity and took advantage of it.

With a quick and calculated movement, the Senju managed to grab Kanji and used him as a shield, keeping a kunai pressed against his throat. Kanji's eyes widened in fear, realizing that he was now a hostage in this intense confrontation. He knew that Madara didn't have his Sharingan, which made the situation even more dangerous.

Madara stopped his attacks, his expression was in a cold facade but deep down he was more than worried. He realized that his unique abilities might not be enough to resolve this situation without endangering Kanji's life. He needed to think quickly and carefully to ensure his brother's safety. The Senju shinobi smiled, feeling confident with Kanji as a hostage. "Surrender now, Uchiha, or your brother will pay the price."

Madara's mind raced as he considered his options. He couldn't afford to lose his brother, but he couldn't let the Senju shinobi go unopposed either. With a determined and unbreakable spirit, he spoke: "Let my brother go and we can end this without further bloodshed."

He laughed at her and watched as she pressed the kunai harder on Kanji's throat. "Your brother or you? Do you value your life more or that of others?" He would scoff which made Madara angry and clenched his fists.. "Tks.., let him go and let's fight."

He would say without further ado but the shinobi didn't. He was entering into despair as he watched his brother grimace in pain. Then something clicked. And she put her hands in front of her and a blue portal formed where she could see the shinobi's back. She didn't have time to get excited because she jumped through it and hit the shinobi, surprising both Kanji and the shinobi. He was able to make a portal, he had achieved it!

Madara...! Kanji was stunned. And she herself took advantage of the moment of vulnerability, hesitating... she trembled a little but... after a few moments she cut her neck making a heartbreaking sound.

Madara had killed for the first time... and he just looked at his bloody hands... He couldn't believe it...