The roulette wheel displayed 6 sections, in the first section a coin sign was present and below it there was a plus sign where +10,000 was clearly seen. Where she was really anxious, for those coins, since previously when viewing the store there was the Makekyo Sharingan that she wanted so much, it was at that price, she did not rule out this option.

Then she saw the second section was the telekinesis option, that left her absolutely wanting this ability, in the world of Marvel we saw Doctor Stranger and Wanda Visions using this ability. Even though the books previously obtained by the system gave her the ability to learn it, there was always something that prevented her from doing so, she was one of the people who, if given the opportunity, would take it.

He bit his lip a little and just sighed, in the third section it was a cube with an unknown, he really didn't care that much about this one. But naturally he wondered what that cube had, in the fourth it was a subject, he didn't immediately know what it was, he inquired into the subject but didn't really say it because he couldn't visualize it in a better way.

In the fourth section, he really saw the chidori, it really caught his attention, he felt that he could dominate it in a great way, that he could even dominate Sasuke, but really the one that caught his attention the most was the fifth, it was a kekkei genkai in particular that only one person had it and that was the wood style. He knew in advance that he would not only control the wood but also the environment around him. He really wanted him to have this particular style or telekinesis in particular. It would be very helpful for his subsequent fights, he would really do it.

In the last section he didn't really care it was a jutsu, any A rank one, he ruled it out completely. At that moment he inhaled and exhaled strongly and then his hand went to the spin roulette option.

It goes round and round until... I can't believe this... She became indignant. He had gotten the strange material that he didn't know what it was, nor the 10,000 coins, nor telekinesis and worst of all, not in the WOOD style!

Madara at that moment was not the one who was depressed but at that moment she couldn't help it, she became depressed, but on the outside she didn't show it, she simply took that material out of her inventory and examined it closely.

At that moment he was surprised, this was not only very small matter but it was not nanotechnology! She touched it and the matter covered her index finger at that moment, she felt a little better. Maybe she could find utility in that material, like battle armor... Maybe more resistant than the original Madara Uchiha, that made her smile.

At that moment her head hurt, the strong pressure of her tired mind finally invaded her, due to the fact that she had had a fight before that was not simple but was mentally tiring, her body still could not resist the strong pressure to concentrate. Outside of his body he had to train that.

Before giving in to sleep she took a scroll and began to quickly write down the information she found about the Hyuga clan, secrets plus skills. They could bribe enemy clans of the Hyuga to gain allies and money and make the Uchiha clan grow in prestige. He really didn't care about the hatred they might have for him, this world was that cruel. She stopped writing, finishing with 4 scrolls full of information and she felt proud, she simply left them on her table and lay down on her futon, really tomorrow she would think about her next moves. Now she let herself fall into a light sleep that she didn't think she would have. in him a little visit.