Summoning Beast

At the moment I disappeared in a ball of smoke I reappeared in a really strange place but with a very hot and shadowy environment, there was really separation between these two, it seemed quite strange to me but I didn't flinch. Is my invocation supposed to live here? .. I spoke to myself in my mind and searched but there really was nothing that I could boast about, I walked along the rough road sober since the other side was very hot and without considering the volcanoes, which released lava . I immersed myself in a fairly dark cave that there was nothing special, I opened my sharingan that captured the darkness well until I saw something quite large, it looked like a giant stone, I touched it out of curiosity since I couldn't visualize what it was and what I felt I was surprised. "Scales?" She wondered if it was a snake but it didn't look like the Ryūchi cave at all.

Suddenly the large rock moved sideways, allowing me to see enormous eyes with a horizontal pupil and an air of power and malice. That surprised me quite a bit, until the big thing gave a big gasp that I could feel on my face and a huge, provocative voice spoke. "A Human! You dare invade my domain! I will kill you!" That alerted Madara leaving the cave, while the enormous beast wanted to hit her with its great tail. But fortunately I dodged and escaped from the cave, which left me quite stunned to see the beast well! A dragon!?. She was quite amazed by the gigantic and amazing beast that was adorned in a scarlet red and black that made it look quite incredible. The dragon quickly noticed this and smiled arrogantly.

"Human, you realize how amazing I am don't you!" The latter would say arrogantly, now Madara knew why he chose this invocation, it was quite evident, she was not left without speaking since this time she spoke, she knew how to persuade him. "Dragon Lord, I'm sorry for disturbing you but I didn't mean to, the summoning sent me here." He would say seriously without bothering him in the slightest and the latter was surprised. "Is that so? How is that possible? My Dragon clan has not had a summon after Indra-Sama!" He would say surprised and the dragon after a long time stared at her, no one knew of the existence of this invocation for the simple fact that everyone said it was a legend, after Indra used it. These were said to be able to see someone's soul through their eyes and see their deepest fears. The dragon looked at her intently and was surprised by what he saw. He saw in his soul the strong essence of Indra, his former summons. He had apparently been reincarnated in this girl. He knew that he was constantly reincarnated in different people, but no one found out. the true potential that this soul had and it really was a waste. But when he saw this girl he saw it, he saw the ambition for power and the determination to protect something. He smiled mentally but it really didn't seem that way now since another face was reflected on the outside. What surprised him most was not the fact that he looked at his former friend in it but that he saw another soul that was not from this world, it was from another quite distant one and could visualize that this soul knew what would happen in the outside world. And this soul was fused with the soul of its former summoner.

Madara waited for an answer in silence without flinching at all, while she saw how he stared at her, she was deeply confused as to why and more than surprised by the fact that this dragon was a summoning, in the old life she had not seen that. at all in the shinobi world and this was a pleasant surprise. "I see you are no ordinary human." The dragon spoke seriously and it was decided that it had been a long time since he had had adventures, a few thousand years, of course, summoning beasts have a different age and dragons are no exception. "Could you specify why?" She spoke deliberately of what she would say. Dragons were not beasts that would easily choose a summoner; she must test her next summoner. "I can see right through you and your future is truly exceptional." He smiled sideways and Madara was surprised and wondered if he saw the fusion of his soul. "But don't think I'll accept you easily!" If you manage to climb the lava volcano I will accept you!" He would say without letting Madara react and he would pull her flying in a majestic manner towards where Madara saw before the very hot place and the burning lava, he had already thrown her in a great way. height towards the hot lava she quickly startled, she thought about the place where she wanted to be and a portal opened in front of her and she landed on a rather hot rocky ground, she sighed in relief and smiled when she saw that she was already at the top.

"Did you see that? It's a pretty amazing ability, isn't it?" She spoke quite arrogantly as she saw that the beast did not treat her coldly like before so she would do the same. Meanwhile the great Dragon was more than surprised, this human made a portal! But how, no one apart from Kaguya's beast in those days could do it, not even her children! This summoner would be quite bold and I could live with it.