Madara, after sealing the deal with the Dragon Clan that Ryunosuke was in charge of introducing to some other dragons, she left that place through a secret passage, which was a cave that she did not know how but she arrived at Uchiha land in less time. of 1 day and a half, right now she entered the clan impassively, everyone bowed with respect, she only raised an eyebrow, what had happened? ..

Madara-Neesan!.─. An 11 year old boy cried out in surprise, this was one of his only 2 living siblings Kanji Uchiha.

Kanji.─. Madara spoke lightly and asked.─. What is happening? I see the clan more excited than usual.

Well sister! When you left out of nowhere a lot of things happened, thanks to you.─. He said lightly and Madara stared at him waiting for him to continue.

Father made a deal with many clans that are enemies of the Hyuga clan, and well each one gave supplies for the clan as well as a large amount of money for those! The Hyuga clan is planning to make a dispute with us with the Senju clan for support, but the Senju clan did not want to cooperate since we have more allies now that you gave us that information! Father I verified it and that is true, now everyone knows that you were you!, who gave that information, obviously only from the clan and we are all grateful for that!.─. I would say with a grateful smile.─. Big sister, how did you do it?

Madara just smiled sideways, he knew it would have turned out but not as good as this, now he knew the reason for his clan's kindness. ─. Kanji, where is father?

Well, he is with the elders now but they said when he saw you he would take you there.─. He said quickly, Madara nodded and the two went to the meeting room where they used to meet on important occasions or for war. Upon entering the place without touching, Madara could see the ambition of the elders, his father looked at her impassively but then smiled sideways.

You're back Madara─. She nodded and sat across from them, simply wanting to hear what they would say.

Madara, I am proud of you, since you were able to obtain vital information to be able to eradicate the Hyuga and take Power over them, both economically, politically and territorially. ─. The infamous Uchiha leader spoke with a tone of satisfaction that Madara noticed in the old elders as well.

Madara, maintaining his impassive expression, listened carefully to the words of his father and the elders. Although praise and thanks were directed towards her, she knew that the situation was becoming increasingly delicate. The ambition and thirst for power were palpable in the meeting room.

Madara, responds cautiously, he already knew what those elders were planning, they wanted to know where he got that information from. Thank you for your words, father. It was my duty to contribute to the well-being of the clan.

One of the Uchiha Elders, with a shrewd look, observed him.─. But, Madara, how did you manage to get that information from the Hyuga? It's something everyone wants to know.─. That old man showed his intentions, Madara only put up with these old people for the moment but when he is the Patriarch of the clan, he will not tolerate such treatment.

Madara, looking away and with a cold look. It was a set of circumstances. Sometimes, information just comes to you.─. He said mysteriously.

Another Uchiha Elder frowned. Don't underestimate our curiosity, Madara. We want to know how you obtained that valuable knowledge.

Madara, clearly he was not going to give them information that he wove a convincing story at that time to satisfy them.─. I traveled the lands, exploring caves and ancient temples. On one of my travels, I found an ancient scroll that revealed secrets of rival clans. It was pure coincidence.─. The elders and his father were not convinced, they knew that Madara was hiding more, and Madara wondered if they were idiots enough to believe it but he knew they weren't and he had to be careful.

 Uchiha Tajima, intrigued and a little distrustful of his own daughter, questioned.─. An ancient scroll? Interesting. But we need more details. How did you come up with that specific information about the Hyuga?

Madara, he was subtly evading, he knew he had to be careful. The scroll was encoded, and my decoding skills allowed me to access the information. But there is no need to delve into the details.

Now one of the only elders of the Uchiha clan spoke, insistently. Madara, our victory depends on that information. We need to know all the details to make the most of our position. And as the next Patriaca you must tell us everything you know and we must be aware of your abilities.

Madara, maintaining his posture now with a cold air, did not like someone else giving him orders.─. Don't underestimate the cunning of an Uchiha. My duty is to protect and strengthen the clan, and that is what I have done, and I did more than you have done in years.─. Madara scoffed deep down knowing it was true.

Tajima frowned at his tone but still spoke. Well said, Madara. We trust in your abilities and your loyalty to the clan. But you must keep your place for now, we are your superiors and I am your leader apart from your father. Now, let's prepare our plan to face the Hyuga threat.

But before saying more, an old man interrupted, angry at the girl's rebellion, making Madara even more upset.

The old Uchiha, with a penetrating gaze, looked at Madara. We understand that you are one of our most talented and cunning warriors, undoubtedly a prodigy, but we must be cautious. It's not often you get such valuable information without leaving the clan these days. We are concerned that there is more to this story than what you are telling us.

Madara, maintaining his composure, Have these elders been spying on her?, this idea disgusted him even more.─. I understand your concerns but you are being paranoid, but I assure you that I only sought information for the benefit of the clan. I do not have anything to hide. And my personal space from which I leave the clan is for its benefit.

Uchiha elder, frowning. We're not questioning your loyalty, Madara, but we need to fully understand how you obtained this information. It is crucial to our security and our future strategy.

Madara, take a deep breath, I was already upset. As I said, it was a series of fortuitous circumstances. I came across the scroll while exploring the lands near the clan. It wasn't planned, but its content turned out to be of great value to us.

TajimaUchiha, with a more monotonous tone, looking a little patiently at Madara. Madara, do not underestimate the seriousness of this situation. The fate of the clan is at stake. We need clear and honest answers.

Madara, remaining calm, would not tell them anything until he was sure of his abilities and in fact he would not even show them to them.─. I understand the seriousness of the situation, father. But I assure you that there are no more secrets than those I have already shared. My priority is to protect and strengthen the Uchiha clan, I have already told you that and I will do whatever it takes to achieve it.

Elder Uchiha, with a scrutinizing look towards Madara, was angry that they couldn't get more information out of him but if he suggested torture, Tajima was in the way for that, so they had no choice but to resign themselves. ─. Very good, Madara. But remember that trust is fundamental in our clan, the clan and the family come first of all.─. If we discover that you are hiding something from us, the consequences will be severe.─. The Elder threatened, Madara did not give it importance, he just smiled triumphantly at the victory and the persuasion he gave them.

Madara nodded solemnly satisfied.─. I understand, old man. You can trust me to do whatever it takes to protect the clan.

The tension in the meeting room was palpable as the Uchiha clan leaders continued to question Madara about his obtaining vital information. Loyalty and trust were tested at this crucial moment, as Madara fought to maintain his position and protect the clan's interests.