Hyuga Vs Uchiha

At this moment the Uchiha clan in front of her prepared to remain silent listening for some order that was too close to appear and so it was as soon as the field became silent Madara spoke.

Uchihas! Attack!.─.  Madara spoke with brazen determination as the uchihas and Hyuga ran towards each other, uchihas with red eyes and black pupils, and hyugas with white eyes and the byakugan at full power.

Madara had previously ordered bomb papers to be placed carefully, while the Hyugas were distracted, and when the Hyuga stepped on the ground in question, they did not notice when several papers exploded. But in fact they did, their eyes could see the chakra interference on the floor. , and they jumped back.

The uchihas narrowed their eyes, and saw the white smoke coming out, the previously flat ground was now with holes inside. Suddenly the Hyugas came out from different sides, and attacked the Uchihas, the Hyugas were much better in physical defense than the Uchihas while the latter shielded the two but some were much more skilled with long-distance attacks and others in direct combat.

But Hyuga's taijutsu was much better, as they closed the chakra points that were in the body, giving the Uchiha a slight disadvantage.

You could see how the Hyuga gained advantage on the battlefield, giving the Hyuga the emotion of arrogance and superiority when thinking that they were demolishing the Uchihas.

Madara, upon noticing this, could not help but frown deeply at her, and did not hesitate to walk slowly towards the battlefield, she could not let defeat shake her Uchiha clan from her.

So he moved quickly on the battlefield, evading and attacking the Hyuga with his katana and kunai. He had an advantage due to the fact that by uniting the universal energy and the chakra of his body he could sense his opponent more easily. how to teleport.

Blow after blow resounded on the battlefield while blood ran through the arid environment, crying aloud to stop fighting, but it was a whisper from the air that no one dared to listen to. The Hyugas little by little were losing their advantage and were alone. by one Uchiha in particular, this was known to her clan as Lady Uchiha but to outsiders she was the heir to the Uchiha clan The infamous Uchiha Madara 


A few minutes earlier on the battlefield, Madara watched as her men faced the Hyuga with their best arsenal in their hands. But she could see that the Hyuga, being superior to her men in taijutsu, were at a disadvantage.

She couldn't help but frown, she wouldn't allow her clan to be inferior in something as basic as taijutsu, before the battle, she informed them of her war plan, and Hyuga's weak points, but it seems that they forgot that part. Due to the intensity of the combat, she sighed and shook her head, it was time to interfere, chakra flowed through her throat making her voice thicker instead of feminine and it sounded like the voice of an elite ninja.

UCHIHAS!, ATTACK AT THEIR WEAK POINT! ─. "This she," she demanded in a thick voice, while the uchihas remembered what Madara had told them before leaving.

Flash back:

The hyuga do not have as developed eyesight as us uchihas. His vision is only 180 degrees. The weak point of his eyes is his back and it delays his vision. ─. Madara spoke attentively, while the uchihas listened and recorded the information little by little.

End of Flash back

At that moment the few uchihas who had sharingan turned it on and the few who saw their companions and friends die woke it up by giving everything against Hyuga. But an intense look stuck in Madara's head, as if heavy nails were hammering it.

This look was none other than that of Habuzi Hyuga, the current commander of the Hyuga and leader of the infamous clan, now he knew something... This boy had revealed his secrets, he was sure when he noticed how his subordinates when attacking him evaded them with ease and it seemed that This one had no effort in doing it.

But the latter did not know that this was the heir of the Uchihas and much less did it occur to him that he was his commander.

He had no choice but to face it himself.