Bonus Chapter: One Day,12 Years Ago

It was a beautiful scenery. 

The 12 moons of Elfarsa shone brightly upon the starless stretch of darkness above the sky. The luminescent rays of each moon, illuminated a frozen lake, flaunting the deep red liquid that has seeped into the vast sheets of ice.

Piles of raw flesh, gnawed and torn we're strewn all over the place. The frost crept in at the sides, joining the bitterness of rugged armors clutching onto uniforms.

Terror-painted bulging eyes that had grown wise and weary throughout the years...and skilled limbs, were still gripping unto hilt of swords that have just achieved the taste of victory.

The pleasant smiles, the boisterous talks, and the laughter of liberation that came from the heart, were abruptly stolen by the monsters who harvested their lives. 

Completely breaking their pledges to loved ones, who are looking forward to saying, "Welcome home."