
"What's the plan now darling?" Crovera asked as we rested in a dark red train car. Which at that point was my least favorite color, for obvious reasons. "For the love of god please stop," I muttered, clenching my teeth as I squeezed my side. At the time I had no idea how I felt about her. No clue at all…

"Well I have no damn idea, just an outline of the steps to take," I answered her, after having thought for a bit. "Wonderful, so much for a jailbreak darling," Crovera said. "Yeah, I know," I responded in defeat.

"Think jackass, how am I supposed to keep her safe, and stay on the run?" I asked myself. I couldn't even keep myself on the run when I ran away before, how the hell was I supposed to do it now with two of us?

"Move!" I whisper-shouted at Crovera. Someone was outside the train car with a flashlight. "No, you move, I'll deal with them," She responded, knowing her, she was probably going to kill them. "H-Hey hey no!" I whispered at her, if a body was found we would have been in some deep shit. "Fine, then what's your bright idea?" she asked me.

"Hide in the darkest corner away from any light?" I proposed my idea, she seemed to find it decent enough. As she responded, "Good enough." So we sat there, in a cold, dark, and damp train car. "Well our luck could always be worse," I thought.

*Drip, drip, POUR!* As if the universe heard my thoughts, it started raining. "I just had to freaking say something," I thought, in annoyance. "Damn rain," Crovera muttered from beside me.

"You alright?" I asked her in concern. She was shaking badly, and her breathing wasn't much better. "Mhm," she responded, seemingly as if she couldn't bring herself to speak. It sounded more like a whimper than confirmation. "*Sigh,* here," I said, patting my lap. She seemed to understand what I meant and laid her head down on me. 

Seeing as I had nothing better to do and it was raining, I decided to slowly stroke her long violet hair, long into the loud, rain-filled night.

"Mmm?" Crovera murmured as she awoke, I hadn't slept a wink the entire night. Mainly because I was playing with her hair, and totally because someone could have discovered us any moment.

"Adrien?" she asked, slowly coming back to her senses, and also in an adorable morning voice. "I'm here beautiful," I answered her, letting out a small chuckle at her. "W-What?" she asked blushing. "Nothing," I responded with a smile. 

"What now?" Crovera asked, watching me stare at her. She had once more caught me staring at her. "S-She's damn close," I thought, looking straight at her bright pink lips. They seemed to be staring straight at mine. How badly it seemed they wished to reunite. "Adrien?" she asked in worry.

"I'm sorry," I muttered, gripping her shirt and pulling her close to my lips, soon enough they were able to reunite. Fireworks seemed to go off around me, she tasted just as sweet as last time, peaches were the most accurate way to describe the taste. Pretty soon she started kissing me back, this was now the third time we kissed.

As much as I enjoyed every time we kissed, I had to part our lips to take a breath. "W-Why did you?" Crovera started asking me before pausing her sentence, to catch her breath. "I-I don't know," I responded, I didn't understand why I had done that, not yet. "Forget it," she said, opening the door. "Where are you going?" I asked, not with curiosity, but instead with worry.

"To find something to eat, and take a shower," she answered, in a tone that pointed to her being annoyed, her eyes still reflected only shock. "Maybe that was a mistake?" I asked myself confused. "I'll get some food instead," I offered, she nodded instead of responding and left. Without a word.

"Dammit, I made a mistake, this is what I get for acting without thinking," I thought, annoyed at myself. Instead of mulling over it at the moment, I chose to get food and then mull over it.

"Hmm, pork belly or beef stew?" I wondered, staring at the bright red packs of meat. I was inside a store, the shelves were stocked with food and it was hard to decide which one Crovera would like more.

Normally it was an easy choice, but I didn't know what food Crovera liked more. Mainly to try and make up for what happened in the morning, her peachy taste was still fresh on my lips. Although I would have loved to kiss her again, I decided it would be another mistake to do that.

"Would you like some help young man?" an old woman asked from behind me, when I turned around all her eyes reflected was worry. "Nope, just having trouble finding the best choice, thank you though" I responded with a smile. "Not with the food, you have a look of constant contemplation on you," she said to me, it seemed like nothing gets past her. 

"Yeah, I probably do have that look on me, huh?" I thought before answering her. "Just the average struggles with life," I said with a slight laugh.

"Such a shame a young man like you has to put up with the trials of life," she responded in a kind voice. "Mom!" I heard a man call from across the aisle. "Sounds like someone's calling for you," I told her. "Yes he is, such a kind son," she responded, before saying goodbye and going over to him. 

"I'll just make her some pork belly," I decided, it seemed like something Crovera would like at the very least. Something told me that she would enjoy pork belly more than beef stew.

"I'm back!" I called out when I entered the train car, but there was no response. "Crovera?" I called out again, but still nothing. Suddenly, there was a small amount of movement in the corner of the train car.

It was her, as beautiful as ever, sound asleep. "Ha, making me worry about you all over again?" I asked her, although it's more accurate to say I was talking to myself. So I started working on the pork belly, occasionally checking on her and admiring her beauty.