
"If you talked to them then, then how have they followed us all this way?" I asked her, but I felt like I already knew the answer. "I led us in circles so the police surrounded us," Crovera answered, regret and worry plastered all over her face. 

"Why?" I asked her, oddly enough I was calm. "Because I regret everything. I didn't love you when I first kissed you. I didn't even like you. But as time went on, I loved you more and more, I regret all the manipulation, I regret every time I hurt you. I wanted a happy life with you, but I don't deserve a happy life. I lied to you, I murdered other people!" Crovera cried out, confessing everything, I wanted to break down, I wanted to take back all I had done, but I couldn't.

Eventually, all she could say was, "I'm… so sorry." Like a bullet train, every happy moment that we went through in the last year played in my head. Every hug, every laugh, every single tear we shed together.

"Was all of it a lie?" I thought, a lone tear sliding down my cheek, and a calm expressionless look appeared on my face. "This isn't fair," I muttered. What was fair was her being taken in.

Regardless of all of it, regardless of whether her being caught is justice, it wouldn't be just, it wouldn't be right. Nobody deserves to suffer through all of it. "I'm getting us both out of this, then we can talk about it," I told her, a serious expression on my face, this time I wouldn't be a fool. "W-Why?" she asked me as she cried.

"Because justice doesn't mean shit without everyone held accountable," I answered. My determination to free her had come back. Whether I was stupid or not, everything I felt for her was still real, regardless of what she did.

*WEE-WOO!* A loud police siren rang out close to us. "POLICE!" a loud familiar voice boomed out. "I'm so sorry Adrien," Crovera whispered, pressing the cold steel of a gun to my temple, and making sure my body was close to hers. "Fuck…" I muttered.

"H-Hey, what the hell?!" I yelled out in horror. "LET HIM GO GIRL!" the same voice from earlier yelled out, it was the chief, of all people it was him who watched my mistake unfold. "This is not the best situation," I muttered shaking. 

"WAS EVERYTHING FAKE?! WERE THE MOMENTS WE SHARED FAKE?! WERE THE FEELINGS I FELT ALL PLANNED OUT TOO?! WAS I JUST YOUR DAMN PAWN?!" I screamed out, anger coursed through my veins. "SHUT UP!" Crovera yelled back at me, pressing the gun to my temple even more. But she was crying too.

"NO! YOU SHUT UP! I WOULD HAVE TAKEN A FUCKING BULLET FOR YOU!" I yelled out, tears were streaking down my face. I was angry, I was pissed, I wanted to die. "Just kill me already," I said more than loud enough for the officers to hear.

"DO NOT LISTEN TO HIM AND STAND DOWN!" the chief yelled into the microphone, but I barely heard him. I was shocked and confused, but worst of all, I felt betrayed. "STAND DOWN OR WE WILL SHOOT YOU!" an officer shouted at her.

"IF YOU TOUCH A FUCKING HAIR ON HER HEAD I'LL KILL YOU MYSELF!" I snarled out. Whether I looked crazy or not was none of my concern. 

"Adrien please stop!" Crovera begged in a yell. "NO! I've given too damn much. I've sacrificed too much, I finally escaped my hell and now I'm thrust right back into it!" I shouted, tears filled my face, at least the lighting was bad enough the officers couldn't see my tears.

"OPEN FIRE!" the same officer from earlier ordered. In response, all of the officers raised their guns and aimed at us. "STOP! CEASE FIRE! SHE HAS A HOSTAGE!" the chief yelled, making sure I wouldn't get hurt despite everything I had said.

"If you move that gun from my head, we can still fix this!" I whisper-shouted at Crovera. "It's too late to fix this," Crovera answered. In that tiny, split-second, I caught a glimpse of her eyes. They were calculating, she was planning something, so I decided to follow along. 

"She plans to make it look as if she kidnapped me to free me!" I realized. I was the fool all along, everything I said might have ruined her plan. "So that's your plan," I muttered, feeling her tap me twice as confirmation.

"Let him go and we promise to get you a lighter sentence!" the chief yelled, a futile attempt at negotiation. "HA! This is so fucked," I mumbled, my laugh was probably more than loud enough for the officers to think I was crazy.

"Hey, could you press it to my skull? My temple kinda hurts," I whispered, in response she moved the gun to my skull. "Need me to kiss you too?" she asked in a sarcastic tone. "Yes, I would love to taste your lips a fourth time," I replied sarcastically. 

"KILL THEM BOTH! THEY'RE PLANNING SOMETHING!" the officer from before yelled out. "DO NOT LISTEN, DO NOT ENGAGE!" The chief ordered. Half of the police followed his orders, the other half stayed with their guns aimed at us. "I can't even tell who's truly the criminals," I mumbled, getting another double-tap in confirmation.

Helicopters appeared there were both news and police ones. A bright spotlight landed on my face, making me see only white. I winced in pain at the sudden light. "OW! SHIT!" I yelled, luckily not loud enough for anyone other than Crovera to hear. "I pictured our last day together as a lot more cozy," I muttered, I didn't have to see her to know she nodded in response.

Suddenly, the light turned off and all the officers had their guns pointed at me and Crovera. It was painfully obvious they didn't care whether or not I was caught in the crossfire, in the news they would just mark me as another one of Crovera's victims. "STAND DOWN NOW! IF YOU DON'T FOLLOW THIS ORDER, I WILL PERSONALLY FIRE EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU!" the chief yelled once again.

Then Crovera dropped her gun. The officers quickly swarmed us. Luckily they didn't shoot. "I love you and I'm so sorry," Crovera said as she pushed me forward. I managed to spin around to see her with tears in her eyes. *CRASH!* I slammed into the ground and saw an officer leap at Crovera.