Twenty Eight


"Jesus!" I gasped, whipping my head around to glare at a rather amused Avery. "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

He chuckled, watching me as I parked my bike in the empty lot, placing the lock around my wheel.

"You're late today."

"No I'm not." I scoffed.

"I'd know, I'm late almost everyday. I never catch you out here in the morning, and your bike's always parked."

He notices my bike? Daily? I shrugged, pulling my backpack over my shoulder as I glanced up at him, "I overslept."

He lifted a hand up as if to cup my cheek, but paused midair as if realizing where we were, and ran it through his hair instead. "I, uh... I'm glad I ran into you though. I kept forgetting to give you these."

He rummaged his backpack for a few seconds before pulling something out of a small pocket.