Thirty Four

A week later, Sam and I were sat at the bleachers with countless snacks, surrounded by loud students in every direction. The Ballers were down in the court, doing their usual warm-ups before the game, which was, surprisingly enough, being led by Toby of all people. Avery was nowhere to be seen. The Hawks practiced on the other side of the court, scoring hoop after hoop during their team drill, all while staring down the Ballers with hawk-like eyes every chance they got. Haha, because they're hawks, get it?

"Is it just me or are those Westfield guys big? Like really big?"

"Definitely not just you."

"Check out the bulge on number twelve. What is that thing?"

I rolled my eyes, deciding to change the subject, "Any luck with your investigation?"

"None. I've been asking around the team, but no one seems to have seen anything. Or they were just too drunk off their minds that night to remember," Sam explained, shoving a fistfull of chips into her mouth.