What are we? II

Birds were chirping as it was morning. Archer blinked his eyes open. He had returned to normal as a new dawn always came with a new dawn. His fangs had gone back to its normal length, so had his fingernails.

He yawned, and moved to the bedside. He picked up the alarm clock on the bedside table. It was six-thirty.

"You're up late today" Leelam said before he blew off the fire torch. Archer smiled weakly before he got off the bed. He stared at his sleeping sister, and then at Leelam.

"Will you help me turn off the alarm on the clock? I'll be leaving soon" He said as he stepped out of the room.

The alarm clock was literally the only digital facility they had, and in the entire village, they were the only ones with one, they had grown up with it.

Archer walked through the bushes, not minding the faint daylight from the morning sky. Anyways, he could see in the dark. His black cloak covered his skin perfectly, hiding his grey complexion. As he approached the city, it was getting brighter. People were already out for the day's activities, some moving on foot, while the others were in cars, either driving, or just seated.

"Knock, knock" He stood for a while, with his hands tucked in his front pockets. He knocked again and waited for a while until the gate was opened by a man.

"Good morning" Archer greeted the gatekeeper.

"Good morning Archer, you're welcome" the gatekeeper replied, locking the gate behind Archer.

He smiled as he recalled the first day he stepped in here to work for the humans.