Sting Hisui sat down on the grass beside Yukino. "You want to talk about it?" he asked the quiet interior designer. "I guess that would help." Sting waited for her to collect herself. "Juvia and I got into a fight earlier about her relationship with Natsu." Yukino paused, wondering if she should be telling this to the blonde. "I hit a nerve, so she called me a..." The interior designer held back her tears. That word still jabbed at her heart, but then again, she'd also said that Juvia was worse than Sylvia.
Yukino, at this point, felt like a terrible person. She asked herself why she'd say that about either of her sisters. "Maybe you're jealous of them," Sting joked, whereas the short-haired girl finally realized why she felt strange whenever she saw either of her sisters with their significant other. "Sting, you're a genius!" Yukino wrapped her arms around him. "What? Was it something I said?" the blonde questioned before he followed behind the pale blue-haired girl.