Part 8

" Mummy, where we are going?", Sia asked her mother. Her mother replied ," This is a surprise, I have already told you, and don't ask me the same question again and again, otherwise I will drop you here only" with a little dangerous face.

"Let's get out of the car you sleepy baby" Sia's mother hanged Sia on her shoulder and took her to the restroom. The house was a big mess like no one lived there for many years. Only the restroom, kitchen, and bathroom were cleaned and the other four rooms were closed for many years.

A lady came with his son from the backyard to help them. She was their maid who had been living in their house for the last 12 years. Yes, this was the place where Sia's mother lived with their parents till 16 years of age after that they moved to a city so that Sia's mother could fulfill her dream.

Her maid's name is Kiran. Supriya greeted her maid and said "Is this your son, he has grown up into a cute kid. I still remember you were having twins, right?" (While Sia's mother was talking with her maid, Sia was glancing at the kid whose name was Shubham. Sia saw that the boy was a little shy and shivering. Sia wanted to help him but she was still sleepy so she fell on the sofa.)

Kiran replied to Supriya with a very whining face "Yes, I had twins in the past but my other son died because of illness last year".

In the evening they had a good meal all thanks to their maid. Two rooms were cleaned. Both kids were watching TV and the adults were chatting on the other side about how things changed in the past years. While watching TV, both kids started arguing over a show, Sia wanted to watch a serial whereas Shubham wanted to see Tom & Jerry. Remote falls on the floor because of their fight, everyone looked at them and said please cooperate. Shubham allowed Sia to watch a serial but Sia didn't like his favor she felt guilty, so she said you watch TV, I am going to use my laptop, I will watch my serial there. When she went to watch a serial in a room where she was going to sleep today, Shubham followed her but was outside the door, and from there he was looking at the laptop, and Sia through a small opening.

Ha! Haa. Sia was laughing loudly while watching the serial. Suddenly someone threw a paper ball at her. She gets alerted. She looked at the door, she saw Shubham standing there with a face as if he also wanted to join her. Sia said, "Hey! Why are you standing there, what's the problem, go and watch your cartoon". He replied, "Yes, I was going" and he went away. Oh no, my mother told me to cooperate with him, oh gosh, now what do I do? Sia started searching for him, and she found him in the backyard through the window of the kitchen.

Sia asked, " Hey, what are you doing here?". He answered, " I am searching for a snake". "What! Are you stupid? It might bite you if you find it", Sia warned him.

"Found a snake" "Where where" "There, I got you". Shubham was holding a snake in his hand and told Sia, this is my friend do you wanna meet him?

In the morning the next day, Sia's mother opened the other two rooms and cleaned them. The corner room was full of books, a table, and two chairs. She selected almost 10 books out of them and put them separately on the table.

Sia's grandfather was also helping her mother in cleaning the room and books.

Sia woke up late in the afternoon because she played half the night with Snake and Shubham. And so Subham also woke up late today.

"Dad, how should I teach her, please you teach her as you taught me", Sia's mother was talking to her father. "No, you have to learn this ability too, you have to stand for the coming generations", her grandfather replied to her mother. He also said that my responsibility is to look after you if you are doing it properly or not. "Why can't wait for the report Dad," Sia's mother asked again. Supriya's father answered, "What you are not seeing is what I am seeing, Sia is not the only one you have to teach, Subham also needs your nourishment too and I know you will do it ". "Why Subham, what you are noticing and I am not", her mother asked again. Sia's grandfather replied, " The time will tell you this "...