Ch 48: Heart to Heart [pt2]

Ness opened the door of the command room the second the sirens attacked. The base alarm turned the corridor red, and everyone ran toward their stations.

Somehow, Ness felt terrible about what was happening and decided to confirm it. He quickly headed toward Chief Atlanta and decided to bang the door open.

"Chief, what's the situation? Do you know when the sirens started to attack? What about the secret section? Is it safe?"

Ness asked with a pounding heart. He could still remember what Mark said about having traitors in the mix.

"We don't have time for it. The sirens are attacking our power units. We must take care of it before our power goes out, and we cannot perform half of our operations. I will keep things in order and working for the time being, and you-"

Ness quickly charged back and headed toward the secret section. He was afraid that Mark had somehow managed to escape.