Ch 58: A new mission...a pardon? [pt1]

"How far are you going to run from me? I promise that I will not kill you if you stop and face me. I might break a few of your bones tough."

Lea followed the fleeing ex-officer with an amused look on her face. She was having fun running after the criminals, but the same could not be said about her opponents. 

They had quite a head start and even ran through a slum to chase her away. But it had all been for the nought.

Lea waited a few minutes before walking out of the slums. She did not see anyone around her, and the most likely answer was that her opponents had run out of the protective dorm.

As unlike as it sounded, it would have been the smarter move to make. But Lea could still see her opponents waiting for her around the side rocks.

'Poor foolish humans. They had not realised it yet, but I can feel their energy signatures throbbing around me. They cannot run away from me without rift's powers.'