" And where do you think you're running to? " He asked me in a cold voice that ignited some kind of fear in me

" please don't hurt me." I pleaded while dragging myself away from him.

" Code X!" He called the man who was chasing me earlier.

" Take him to the Cube." He commanded him and I began to tremble.

The man carried me on his shoulder like I weighed nothing and sent me to a different hallway that was narrow and darker.

" go! " I cried out but he ignored me and kept walking

" Let me go!" I cried while hitting his back with my fist.

He unlocked a room and walked inside. The room was dark as well as enclosed that it sparked my phobia all of a sudden. Memories of that abandoned house keep flashing through my mind and I began to tremble.

He dropped me on floor and smirked.

" This will teach you not to run ever again." He said and walked out locking the door from behind.

I slowly crawled towards the door and began to bang it.

" I'm sorry!!! Please get me out of here!!!" I screamed in fear while hitting the door with all the strength I had left.

I kept on banging the door whiles tears glided down my face. Just then someone opened the door.

" Who are you?" A young man who almost looked like the man I met earlier in the hallway asked.

" Subconsciously, I got up and hugged him.

" Pl....Pl....Please...h..he.. help me ." I pleaded in a shaky voice

" Calm down." He said and stroked my back

"Please... Please....take me out of.... this place. I'm .. I'm... scared." I said in a trembling voice as tears fell from my eyes.

" Relax, look at me!" He said and look at me when pitiful eyes almost feeling pity for me.

" How did you end up here?" He asked me

" I don't... know. I ...l...just ...want to go home my brother. Nathan! Nathan will hurt him if I don't get there early. So....Pl .... Please let me go."

" What the heck are you doing here?"

I heard a familiar cold voice and as usual my heart skipped a beat.

" Oh Grey! I heard someone screaming while I was walking by." He answered.

" So you came to check who it was?" He asked .

" Exactly! And now that I've seen it. Don't know think this is too harsh. Can't you see he looks scared. Why would you keep him in a dark room. "

" And who are you to tell me how to go about with my activity. I'm the one in charge and no one... not even you can question me. I'm I clear." He yelled at him

" I'm sorry. I was only showing concern towards your boy over here."

" No one asked. So just get the hell out of here before I lose control." He commanded and the young man went away obediently.

He looked at me with a grim on his face looking at me with those cold eyes again.

I crawled towards him and pleaded.

" Pl.....Please! It...wo..n' t happen... again."

" I'm.... I'm...scared ". I said and held unto his legs while shedding uncontrollable tears.