
"Which one is this?" The girl closed her eyes, looking at the pile of "metal."

"The fifth," the tall green-eyed man uttered softly.

"Klaus, I can't understand why I keep seeing the corpses of our comrades again and again?" The red eyes listlessly observed the "death" of her own creation.

"This time it's Zigfaer..." the doctor didn't give a direct answer.

"Five of them, we've lost five Officers!" Eden began to pour out slowly from the girl.

"Lift him up and take him to the Mistress's Workshop!"

"For us, it's an honor to assist the Senior Officer!" the soldiers in black uniforms bowed and carried the "corpse" away.

"Once again, we witness the devastated ground around us. It's a sign of struggle, and in it, our officers have lost for the fifth time!" Klaus spoke, gazing at the vast number of craters from explosions, sliced rocks, and traces of attacks so strong that the stone melted in some places.

The girl half-opened her mouth and, saying nothing, took a step and looked around.

"We've suffered so many losses, ⅔ of our crew have disappeared, and now I find the bodies of my own people!" She turned to Klaus. "Why are you so calm?! Comrades, allies who fought shoulder to shoulder with you, are dying goodness knows where, scattered across the chambers of space!" She waved her hand, and the wind rose.

"Am I calm?"

"Yes, your eyes haven't flinched once! We honored friends!" She fell silent and abruptly continued. "Or maybe they are not your friends and comrades!" Eden burst out of her body, the threshold for a human was crossed instantly, this force began to disable the ship behind Klaus, but he was barely standing.

"What do you think I should have done according to you?!" He took a step toward the girl in the black uniform.

"You should have at least uttered a word from your tight-lipped mouth!" She pointed a finger at him.

"Lucy, can you even imagine what it's like for me? I remember every word they said, I remember every action they took in front of me," he spoke calmly, while Eden, invisible to the eyes, pressured him.

"I only hear your words; where are your actions? You stopped speaking after the expedition; maybe you betrayed us?!" A sword appeared in her hands, and she aimed it at Klaus. He immediately stepped back, while Eden continued to exert pressure on the environment.

"Do you even hear what you're saying? Like you, I am a Senior Officer, and I, like you, am also suffering!" he yelled, and a whip appeared in his hands. "Unlike you, I at least try to understand who is hunting us and where our master is!" He began to resist Lucy's Eden, but it was futile; she only intensified the pressure.

"You mean I'm doing nothing?" she quickly muttered to herself.

"Yes, exactly! You've done nothing since your eyes opened; the most we see from you is how you're forever worried about the master because supposedly you can't live without him!"

"Shut your mouth, Klaus!"

"You started it, and I'm to blame again?! You're showing off your expertise again? All you know is fixing machines and titans; don't torture me with your anger!" His whip struck the rocky ground, leaving deep marks.

"Now I understand your attitude toward me!"

"And did I ever hide it? You can't go a day without the master, and it really shows!" He directed the whip toward her.

"You think those words will fly with me?!" The force began to crumble everything around her feet.

"And do you think just because of the second-strongest title, any officer will stand by silently while you lose your mind?" He pointed a finger at her.

"You brought this upon yourself!"

"Come on, let's make up and see how the last two Officers die, and then our souls will witness how the battleship fell under the pressure of unknown enemies!" His Eden resisted the girl's Eden, after she put on her helmet, she suddenly intensified the pressure even more.

"Do you think I need the battleship without Arlok?! You are deeply mistaken if you think your life means much in my eyes!"

"That's how the strongest speaks, that's whose lips betray us! You are disloyal to the battleship because we must obey you?! You want my emotions, you'll get them!" The end of the whip surged toward the girl, breaking the ground in front of her.

She stepped back.

"Klaus, no matter how much people admire you, I won't allow that to overshadow my view! You are nothing more than a cruel, cold-blooded person!"

"If only!" he shouted, his throat unable to handle it. "If I were, it would hurt me so much!" He grabbed his throat. "If I were that which you imagine!"

The whip strikes shattered rocks; huge boulders split upon the first contact with the whip. These attacks significantly altered the landscape.

"Can you even imagine what it's like for me, a person who remembers everything, to live knowing that the person you know better than he knows himself died, and yet you can do nothing?! I just come and see a corpse; this image will stay with me forever, this pain in my chest will stay with me forever!" A solitary tear rolled down his cheek.

"You may forget, but I will remember; I remember every second of my life, and this second is no exception, Lucy!" A swift sword strike, and a small scratch appeared on Klaus's right hand.

"Can you imagine, imagine my pain?!" Another tear streaked down his cheek.

"A serious face, little emotion, and how do I protect myself?! How?!" Lucy inflicted more wounds.

"I'm just scared, like you! They're killing us one by one, we don't know where, and all we find are signals and corpses!" Two cuts appeared on Klaus's legs.

"I'm many times weaker than you, I'm just the head of the scientific corps, but I'm trying somehow to help, to somehow gather my thoughts and help!" His attacks were incredibly wide-ranging and destructive.

"So I shouldn't think, I should..." his voice became strained and uncertain.

"Just present yourself, like you're doing now? Be a pathetic human?" Klaus attempted a more precise strike but only further destroyed the surroundings.

"I'm pathetic! Incredibly pathetic!" He struck, but a thin female hand stopped the whip, the glove on her hand squeezed tightly.

"You're not pathetic, Klaus... I'm just an idiot who can't see beyond her own nose..." Her red eyes gazed at Klaus's tearful face, which looked far from young.

She released the whip and approached Klaus, embracing him.

"Let's destroy them together!" Her tone shifted, from tender to resentful and cruel, her eyes viewing everything again through a prism of anger.

"Yes, let's destroy anyone who goes against the battleship!"

A sharp beep interrupted Lucy's response, and both heard a message from the battleship:

"We've caught the signal from the Eden Center, and shortly after, the master's presence!"

"He's alive?!" Lucy exclaimed, breaking away from Klaus.

"Yes, sir, you are alive," his eyes trembled as he looked into the cosmic expanse, where most of the sky was obscured by a massive spacecraft, the battleship.

"We must hurry!"

"Yes!" Klaus shouted, running after Lucy toward the nearby ship, but his eyes glanced at the surroundings, which were even more ravaged by their battle with Lucy.