
Space is a place where sounds ordinary to the human ear are unheard, but not now. Anyone near the meteorite slicing through the vast black cosmos would hear a violin playing.

A colossal stone maneuvered through the expanses of space. Its bright side was illuminated by a distant celestial body, while a battleship drifted in the distance. The incredibly huge spaceship seemed like a tiny dot, impossible to perceive.

A girl in a black dress played the violin. Her hair was gathered in a single pin that neatly held the bundle of hair. Her entire body was wrapped in silver lines. She held the violin with both hands, pressing it against her neck - a usual posture for playing. Her black-and-blue eyes gazed at the spaceship.

Abruptly, near her, several hundred meters away, a cross appeared. Small lines formed a space from which the girl emerged.

Five human-like masks followed the strange figure - a girl in a kimono, walking with a fan in hand. The corners of her lips almost reached her ears. Her face had golden hues, and her eyes shone with violet light.

"I sent 'La' to the location. Is that them?" "Yes," replied the violinist, delighted with the answer.

The girl in the red-and-black kimono sighed, opened her fan, and started listening to her partner's violin melody. She reached out to the battleship and then clenched her hand. Her slender fingers were barely visible against the backdrop of space.

"Shall we begin?" asked "Fa." The violinist nodded in agreement...

Dozens, no, hundreds of meteorites, similar to the ones the two girls stood on, were behind them. One note, causing ripples in space, made hundreds of meteorites burst from within. There were strange creatures made of horrific masses of flesh resembling snakes. The same fate befell the meteorite they stood on; it shed its skin. The girl in the kimono jumped onto another 'snake', covering a vast distance. Her traces wounded the creature on which she stood before.

Dark blue eyes gazed at the battleship, to which they were rapidly approaching.

One note, one movement, once again stirred the cosmos...

Crimson eyes observed many people around. They frequently checked equipment and steered the battleship in this cosmic void. The girl with a sword attentively watched their actions, seated on a huge "throne" towering over the others. This place was the captain's booth, with dozens of windows in all directions. Even on the floor, tiles displayed what was beneath the battleship. This place seemed to float in space, although it was within the battleship's confines.

"A hundred and thirteen unknown objects are heading towards the battleship!" A warning appeared on the main screen, filling the room with alarm.

The girl's eyebrows twitched. They were about to arrive. The next star system was precisely where her master's signal was sent. She stood up, surveying her people, who swiftly gathered more specific information.

To the left of the girl, the screen began to approach something, some monsters. They were huge compared to humans but incredibly small compared to the battleship.

"Open fire, destroy them all!" she waved her hand.

But suddenly, the ship, the floor on which she stood, trembled. Warnings appeared on the screens about an attempt to completely destroy the battleship's Eden Shield. It surprised everyone. Although the energy reserves could be considered depleted, it was a bold decision for those who didn't know about it, and without external help, it was impossible to find out. Attacking the massive warship, daring to attack its Eden Shield without something equivalent, was like throwing mud right in the face of the Order members.

"Lady Lucy, I suggest releasing the Lefions squadron?" suggested one of the lower-ranking officers. Lucy looked at the screen, and everything suddenly trembled again.

She couldn't hear it, but the entire cosmos quaked from the strange violin melody. While playing the violin, space around the battleship seemed to press against its Eden Shield. Two girls approached with a hundred monsters underfoot. It didn't take ten seconds for the system to detect these two from afar.

"Here's the source of the problem..." Lucy touched her forehead with two fingers in contemplation and sat back.

The Lefions - small ships, there were about several thousand on the battleship. Most of them were inside the destroyers, which drifted below the battleship and connected to specific compartments on the main battleship. It swallowed the upper part of the destroyers. On the sides of the battleship were special compartments, huge gates where the Lefions and Peons were stored, but currently, something prevented them from opening. Some force was pressing against the battleship's shield.

"Do you think the plan will work?" asked the girl in the kimono.

In turn, there was no answer from the violinist. She continued to accelerate her play, feeling the enormous battleship slowly breaking free from the force of this Melody. The violin stirred the space time and again, but even so, some cannons managed to fire. The projectiles flew close to the girl, shredding their "pets" to pieces. As soon as one fell, another absorbed it and grew several times larger.

"Don't worry, our goal is to delay and distract them, not to fight seriously," "Do" barely managed to push these words out. Her eyes were haughty, but her face slowly transformed into a tired one.

"I wonder how accurate the 'description' is about the second in strength?" - a cross-shaped strike with a fan and a strange space appeared in front of the girl in the kimono. Entering it, she disappeared from the violinist's view, and her five masks sped up and flew towards the battleship much faster than the violinist flew on the monsters.

"Ah, it begins..."

A huge explosion on the battleship. These masks burst into the interior of the battleship...

A cross-shaped symbol inside the battleship. It lit up on one of the Lefions, and instantly it grew to the size of a human body. The sound of the shamisen echoed, and a girl with a fan emerged. She surveyed the room. It was a huge hangar with hundreds of Lefion class military ships. But her gaze was drawn to the huge gates that were locked, but suddenly something tore them apart. The five masks again appeared beside their mistress.

She turned, two cross-shaped strikes destroyed a large ship, far bigger than the girl. The melody of the shamisen began to fill the hangar…


"Miss Lucy?" - a robot appeared beside the throne.

"Yes?" - the girl was not surprised by its appearance. It had been there not long ago, returning from repairs, and now it was back again.

"May I deal with the intruders?" - the robot resembled a human. But it had one eye that could transform into two and cover the face with skin, but now it was in combat mode and had only one eye. The robot itself was made of black oine, and in its hands, it held five Eden Crystals, spaced at a certain distance from each other.

"I would gladly allow it, but I am not sure about the completion of your repairs. So, I'll take one of them myself!" - Lucy stood up.

"This option suits me as well..." - Zigfaer stood up and quickly exited the captain's booth.

"I will destroy these creatures who dared to attack the battleship!" - the robot said to itself, connecting to its titan and the battleship's overall security system...

Lucy looked at the screens. The violinist was already very close, as were many monsters. Then, her eyes shifted to her hand. Under the clothes was an A-class Eden Crystal. Kai was transmitting information about Lucy's armor. Hearing everything she needed, she stood up from the throne. Stretching out her hand, she spoke:

"Catch the intruders! Detach the second destroyer!" - thousands of people on the battleship began preparing for internal battles. Although further than level zero, not a single intruder had yet penetrated…