Good News!!! Research lab

Just one month had passed after the word ceremony.

The preparation of the sports event is under preparation.

Congratulations to the host the knowledge slave named Rishikesh reached the late stage of Sanatan yoga.

Congratulations to the host the knowledge slave Damodar reach the pack stage in Dhyana 2.0

Suddenly in the morning he finally received this message. Then he directly transferred all the knowledge regarding Sanatan yoga and Dhyan 2.0 stitched to himself.

And then he spread this knowledge to all of his subordinates. He was very happy now just when you woke up he had received 2 good news.

Today he decided to go to the research and test site to see all the research progress which is done by the subordinate.

He has been informed about all the research that is happening but still, he wants to see it with his own eyes.

When we started to move to a deserted place where hardly any people could be single.

Then a few people came and verified everyone who was with Susima. Then he moves towards the research lab.

He can see that because of his knowledge much research in chemistry and physics has been advanced.

They don't have to study things from scratch. It had saved a lot of time for all the scientists.

There are various rooms and inside rooms, many scientists are researching a particular topic.

They started to explain to me what chemical formula for the theorem they were researching.

They continuously do various tests with different materials and all the things have been recorded.

Technology which is inside this secret research laboratory is at least close to the 19th century.

The Dhyan 2.0 and many other factors with the help of that will soon catch up to 20th-century technology.

He has only one year remaining afterwards he will start to go to Gurukul and he will not have much time to supervise them or set the path for them.

Currently, Bharat focusing on commercial technology which can lead Bharat to a large amount of money.

But in a few years, they will focus on military technology as a primary sector and all RND will be first done for the military then it will be simplified and used commercially.

Just like many modern countries do in he is old life.

After going through all the chemical research.

Then he started to walk towards the physics research lab.

In researching convex, concave, reflection and other things glass.

In other labs Discussions about gravity, magnetic and other principles are going on.

Many things he does not understand about chemistry and physics so he does not pay much attention just wants to know which path they are taking so that he set their paths.

After all of this, he started to walk towards the testing field where many things are tested.

Which he wants to see the most.

When he first entered the test side he saw a hot air balloon which was very big and few people were testing it.

This may be the first time a human can fly.

But he frowns and asks the tester," Why don't you inform me if somebody trying to fly in there? Do you not understand how important it is ?"

The management started to feel a little afraid he wanted to say that it was not the first time many people had already flown on this hot air balloon.

But he did not open his mouth and say this suddenly he got an idea, "Yuvraj, this is the surprise we had prepared for you to let you see the sincerity of all the research."

When Susima heard this he was a little happy. then reply, "I am really happy to see the surprise which you all had prepared but next time you don't have to prepare any surprise just inform me."

Then he started to move to other test sites. He saw that people were testing various things.

Some not testing different types of machines. They are even testing the Steel shapes and getting and changing the data in notes.

They are various things which can be now just taken to the market and many people will come to buy this much technology which they have.

Suddenly he got the idea meaning of that technology could start mass production and create a company.

So why doesn't he just sell this technology in exchange for the shares of the company? With the help of this thing, many new technologies can appear in the market also many jobs and many opportunities will also start to pop up.

But it had one negative side that is only rich people can become Rich. It will let it no longer be possible for a poor man to become an entrepreneur.

So first he has to start a bank bank will give the loans to those entrepreneurs based on technology, the amount of the loan, the market demand and other things.

Then he shared his thoughts with all the people surrounding him, then all of them started to think about this thing deeply.

Among the group, one person suggested 'Yuvraj, it is not good for the current Maurya dynasty to have this kind of technology due to the military because if this kind of technology is released then the army technology will be very backwards to protect and to maintain security inside Bharat.'

Susima also thoughts about that and agrees with that person's proposal he will wait for at least 6 years and then he will start pushing many technologies.

Why six years? Because after 6 years he will be returning from his takshila.

Then he will currently only focus on commercial technology and also he will start to sell little military technology only to his father's direct command army.

He will now focus on the army and navy to let it become the world's dominant force. It will also require training education, all the necessary things and especially the weapon.

Maybe it will take a few years but Bharat will become a world power.