Blood Ritual III

My body instinctively reacted by itself, keening with pleasure and desire as his scent flooded my nose. I swallowed, and the blood flowed down my throat without issue― I had assumed that it would taste foul, smelling of copper and iron, but instead, it seemed almost like a cup of warm chocolate, sweet and fragrant. 

My world had narrowed down to one person, and my hands longed to be free so I could embrace him. I needed to be closer to him until there was no distance between our bodies. 

"Good girl," Damon murmured as our lips finally parted. I took a deep breath, and once again his delicious scent assaulted my senses. I wanted — needed — his lips back on mine. Damon chuckled darkly before nipping at my bottom lip.

Then he moved away. I whined. I didn't want him to go! He was no longer touching my skin, but I could still feel his warmth radiating from him like a furnace.

I wanted more! I wanted… I wanted…

Then my head cleared slightly, enough for me to realize who I was lusting over.

Fucking Damon Valentine! 

I wanted nothing more than to bash my head into his and hopefully cause him to end up in a coma and eventually die as his limbs withered from disuse, but my own limbs refused to move. Damon's eyes flashed a steely blue― that bastard clearly used some form of magic again to keep me rooted to my feet!

I had no idea what it was these brothers had to be able to command and control my every movement so efficiently, but I knew it wasn't something simple. There was something darker in the works, probably the same thing that had allowed them to become a pack strong enough to take down even Shadowpelt.

With all his display of power, however, Damon Valentine failed to control my mouth. I spat out a mouthful of leftover blood at his face, relishing in the brief look of surprise on his face, before anger overtook his handsome features.

The crowd drew back in horrified shock. For a moment, after I finally realized what I had done, I too drew in a gasp of cold air. Perhaps this day wouldn't just mark a mating ceremony but also my funeral.

"It's time for the alpha to grant his new mate the mating mark," Blaise's voice interrupted the tense silence that surrounded us. 

Damon loomed over me and he wiped his cheek clean with the back of his hand. His icy blue eyes roved over my body, causing goosebumps to rise. Damon was clearly choosing where he wanted to mark me, and I was torn between hiding my body from his attention or flaunting it further to make him happy. 

In the end, a slow smirk crossed his face. He brushed my hair away from my face so tenderly onlookers might think we were real lovers. Then, his fingers slowly trailed down the right side of my neck, causing my skin to prickle with want. 

His touch was deceptively gentle, causing me to shudder as his scent enveloped me. Desire welled up in me as his fingers continued to tease my neck and shoulders, occasionally drifting to the sides of my breasts.

Then he smirked. His sharp teeth glinted in the light of the bonfire and I shivered despite the heat. Damon looked like a predator, and me, the helpless prey.

Without warning, Damon sunk his teeth into the juncture between my neck and shoulder. I screamed in surprise as I felt his teeth pierce my skin, drawing blood. The right thing to do would be to fling a punch at Damon for daring to do this to me, but to my utter surprise and vague horror, I was feeling more pleasure than pain. 

A moan escaped my lips as the pleasure continued to overwhelm me in waves, stirring even my most intimate place and making me ache. If I had more sense, I would be embarrassed at how my stomach was coiling and churning with every second his fangs remained in me. 

My heart was racing and my breathing was growing shallow. If not for Damon holding me in his arms, I would have fallen to my knees. 

As it was, I sunk into his hold. I never wanted him to let go. With every lungful of his delicious scent, I knew I belonged right with him. The part of my mind that was screaming at me to hate him and push him away was slowly getting drowned out by what must be the mate bond. 

The crowd's loud cheers barely registered in my mind. All I could focus on was the swipe of Damon's tongue against my newly formed mating mark. I couldn't see it for myself but my skin felt red and raw from the puncture. His tongue running over my skin only caused me to shiver.

"With the successful marking, I now declare Harper Gray to be the Alpha's mate!" Blaise roared, and the audience screamed in reply, almost euphoric with glee. 

"There's only one thing left to do, isn't that right, fellow wolves of Fangborne?"

Howls and wolf-whistles filled the air.

"Let the mating begin!" 

Damon removed his mouth from me and easily tucked me into his arms. He lifted me above his head like I weighed nothing. I gasped in surprise as I was thrust into the air without warning, my eyes widening as I finally registered Blaise's words.

Mating? Like… oh no. Oh hell no. No wonder Damon made me wear this lousy lingerie outfit! This was all so that his perverted self could rip it off me later! 

"Let go of me this instant, you pervert!" I yelled.

I immediately began to squirm in Damon's arms in an attempt to escape, but it was futile. Damon merely chuckled at my pathetic attempts, and the little bell at my throat chimed mockingly in agreement. 

Damon tucked me back into his arms, which were like steel bars clamped around my back and under my legs in the strongest princess carry known to all werewolf-kind.

Damon merely gazed at me indulgently, as though I was nothing more than a baby kitten trying to act tough in front of a larger animal. His grip on me refused to loosen, no matter how much I shifted. I even bit his arm, but it did nothing but cause him to let out a pleased hum.

Oh god. Was he getting turned out by this? I wanted to scream but I couldn't muster the words. 

"Little rabbit, keep squirming like this and I'll take you in front of everyone here. Would you like that?"