Punishments I

A smile grew on Elijah's face once the shock wore off. "Well, that's one way to handle your competition." He let out a chuckle and gave me an admiring glance. "I see your plan."

"What plan?" I asked peevishly, glaring at him and then at my own hand. I still couldn't believe my own strength― was it simply a fluke? 

"I won't tell anyone," was Elijah's annoying reply. "But you should hope that the Alpha or the Beta doesn't find out about this. He's not going to like you damaging the pack house, even if you are his new Luna." 

"I wasn't planning anything!" I insisted, balling my hand into a fist in irritation. "I didn't know this would happen!"

Elijah gave it a wary look and stepped back. "If you say so."

"I do!" I sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. I didn't want my new pack mates to think I was a pushover, but I also didn't want them to believe I was some scheming snake either. 

My stomach growled, breaking the tension.

"Do you know the way to the kitchens? I'm hungry." 

"I can bring you to the canteen," Elijah offered. 

"Let's go then," I said quickly, taking a step forward. To my surprise, Elijah stood frozen, his eyes widening as he looked behind me.

Before I could ask what was the matter, my nostrils were flooded with a familiar alluring scent. I felt my knees growing weak, but I didn't want to turn to see Damon. If he had the nerve to let me sleep in the wet spot and wake up alone, and have multiple mates angling for his attention, I wasn't going to give him the slightest bit of attention. 

"Elijah?" I prompted.

"Good morning, Beta," Elijah greeted with a salute, his back ramrod straight. 

"At ease, Elijah. It's too early for such formalities, don't you think? There's no need to put on such a show for our new guest," Blaise's teasing voice floated in my ears. 

Elijah relaxed. "It doesn't hurt to be professional."

"It hurts when I see you pretending," Blaise countered smoothly, before turning his attention to me. 

"And look who it is― Harper! I'm surprised you are up at this hour. To think you have enough energy to fling your fellow sister-mate through a wall. Incredible."

My face paled as I realized who interrupted us. I steeled myself and turned around, true enough, standing right in front of me was Blaise Valentine, in the flesh. He looked remarkably well-rested, and I could smell the faint traces of his minty cologne. 

He didn't look like a man who would conduct dubious mating ceremonies. 

A small part of me was disappointed that he wasn't Damon, but I heartlessly squashed that line of thought. Seeing Damon before breakfast would undoubtedly ruin any appetite I have left. 

"Good morning, Blaise," I said politely. 

Blaise's eyes flickered down at my outfit, his eyes darkening in displeasure. Great. Was it allergic to wearing clothes here? 

"I wish I could say the same to you," Blaise said, shaking his head in disappointment. "Picking fights with your seniors is not allowed in Fangborne. You'll need to be punished for this."

There was a wicked glint in his eyes as he loomed closer. I took a hurried step back and pointed at Susie's prone body lying against the floor.

"Susie started it," I retorted, even as I realized that made me sound like a petulant child. "If you want to point fingers, you should punish her too. Elijah can vouch for me! Right, Elijah?"

A pained look crossed Elijah's face. I guessed he didn't want to get Susie into trouble, since he had known her for a longer time. His indecision caused my stomach to roll in worry.

"Elijah! You know what happened!" I prompted, crossing my arms. If he refused to vouch for me, I would be in deeper trouble!

 "It's alright, I'll find out anyway eventually," Blaise said soothingly, but Elijah seemed to pale further, and that finally made him speak.

"I… Yes, Harper was right. Susie instigated the confrontation because she was unhappy with her rank. I tried to stop her, but she would not listen to reason. Blaise, can you show some mercy? Susie was just throwing a tantrum. Harper resolved it on her own!"

"Don't look so worried, Elijah, Fangborne would never kill one of our own, you know that," Blaise chided playfully, but even I didn't believe his words. "Susie will be dealt with accordingly, and you might even have the pleasure of her company soon enough."

"I see," Elijah said wryly, "I guess I'll take her to see Alpha Damon then?" 

"You know me too well," Blaise said, and Elijah went to pick up Susie's prone body from her spot on the floor. A gurgle escaped her lips; she was alive, if not conscious. 

"See you later, Harper," Elijah said. "If you're still hungry afterward."

Wasn't that ominous? I wanted to ask Elijah what he meant, but then he practically sprinted away with Susie in his arms. 

And I was left alone with Blaise for company. 

"Well, it's time for me to go then," I said with forceful cheer. "I'm going to eat breakfast." 

"Not so fast," Blaise tutted, easily obstructing my escape route. "You still need to be punished."

"Whatever for?" I asked, confused. "Now you know Susie started it― ahhhh!" 

Blaise's eyes flashed, and in one swift motion, he ripped through the front of my makeshift dress with a single hand, causing the fabric to fall to the ground. I screamed in surprise and hurriedly tried to hold on to the scraps of my outfit, but it was futile.

Once again, I had one arm covering my breasts and the other covering my mound. This time, I wasn't even wearing underwear since Damon didn't provide any. 

"How dare you!" I demanded hotly, my face red with embarrassment. My scream drew the eyes of several other werewolves, who gathered by the corridor to watch the show. 


"You need to be punished," Blaise repeated, this time with more amusement. He clicked his fingers, and my collar began to heat up.

All of a sudden, I felt heat rushing through my body. It was a sensation similar to yesterday when I stood in front of the bonfire. Pleasure rushed through every fiber of my body, making it hard to keep my breath steady. Paired with the gaze of others on me, I've never wanted to be swallowed into the earth as much as now.

"What… What did you do to me?"