On Your Knees I

"You will wish you didn't say that," Damon growled out, but I caught a flicker of pleased anticipation in his eyes. Before I could examine what it meant, he easily pulled me into his room and in one quick movement, he slammed the door shut.

The sound echoed throughout the room with finality. No one would disturb us now. 

"Why? What are you going to do to me?" I raised an eyebrow challengingly. 

My sense of self-preservation had left me and part of me wanted to see how far I could push him. He already slaughtered my pack, mated me, and I had new pack members who smelt my heat. What else could he do to torture me?

Besides, if I pushed him hard enough, I might cause him to snap and he might snap my neck, freeing me from this madness. 

Instead of replying with words, Damon grabbed me by the waist and landed a bruising kiss on my lips, one hand cradling my face as though we were lovers and not a strange variation of captor and captive. I moaned into the kiss, my arms looped around his neck to pull him closer, and he willingly obliged, surprisingly compliant. While our tongues battled for dominance, he easily lifted me up and my legs curled around his hips. 

My towel bunched up to my waist, revealing the lower half of my body, but I was past the point of shame. I grinded against the impressive tent in Damon's jeans, causing him to groan in pleasure as my fluids soaked into the fabric. 

"You fucking tease," Damon growled out, tilting my head high enough that my neck hurt. "I'll get you for this."

His words sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach. My body responded even more fervently as it sensed proof of my mate's desire. No matter how much I pissed off Damon with my words or actions, he could not deny that he was physically attracted to me. Our lips found themselves drawn towards each other, and it was only the need for air that prompted us to part.

Damon's eyes darkened with lust as they darted to my swollen lips. The tiny trail of saliva connecting our lips glinted underneath the lights like a chain. I panted to catch my breath. Kissing Damon felt like being flung headfirst into a hurricane. It felt like every nerve was set aflame with a single kiss, and I desperately wanted more.

Our gazes met, and we dove back against each other in unison, this time with increased fervor. Damon easily undid the knot that held up the flimsy towel covering my body, causing it to unravel, revealing my creamy skin inch by inch. From the way he watched me, I felt like a precious gift unwrapped at Christmas.

My make-shift clothes fell to the floor with a gentle thud, revealing all of me, but I didn't give a single fuck about my nudity. 

"Why are you still clothed?" I demanded peevishly, a hand reaching down to tug at his belt irritably. It was a thick brown belt made of soft leather that probably cost more than anything I had ever owned, but now, it was nothing more than a hindrance. 

Unfortunately, I did not have much experience undoing the belts of men, no matter how obnoxiously expensive they were, and that task was made more difficult since I was climbing Damon like a tree.

"Someone's eager," Damon pointed out teasingly, amusement in his voice. 

"Can you take off your own pants?" I complained. "Are you making me do everything?"

"Why not?" Damon retorted smugly, "I'm not the one who is so desperate to be fucked. If you want it, you should be doing more."

To punctuate his point, he grabbed one of my breasts with one hand and gave it a squeeze, idly rubbing at that nipple and causing me to keen with pleasure. I leaned in, wanting more, but that asshole simply removed his hands and watched me with an arrogant gaze.

I snarled. 

Oh, this man was insufferable. One day I would put my hands around his neck and wring it like a washerwoman with a wet cloth, but today was not that day. I was drenched waist-down and more than eager to receive.

Instead, I reluctantly unhooked my legs from against my waist so that I could undo his belt and tug his jeans down. They were tighter than I expected, thanks to that massive tent in front. Of course they would be, because anything of Damon's would make my life more difficult than necessary. 

Damon looked down at me and smirked when he saw that I was having trouble. 

I growled, "A little help here? Are you not afraid that your cock will be stuck in these pants forever?"

Damon wound a hand in my hair and pulled harshly, forcing me to look up at him as I winced in pain. 

"Let go of my hair, bastard!" I hissed at the pain, trying to free myself. If I got a bald spot because of him, I would add that to the laundry list of debts I would claim from Damon when I finally got the chance. There would be hell to pay. 

"Get on your knees," Damon ordered, all amusement gone from his tone. Clearly, I had crossed some line I wasn't aware of. I froze in disbelief. Did he just… order me to kneel?

"Why should I?"

"Women who want to undo my pants should always be on their knees. Kneel, before I make you," Damon warned. 

And from the look in his eyes, he wasn't joking. I had a feeling if I refused, I would be flung on the floor, or worse.

Well, that wouldn't do. I needed my legs to be perfectly fine if I wanted to make a successful escape. So I had no choice but to reluctantly go to my knees, as though I was willingly submitting to Damon. My mind didn't like it, but my womanhood grew wetter at this new position. The mate bond rewarded me for listening to my alpha mate, and my body shuddered in pleasure.

"Good, this is how you should always be when talking to me," Damon said huskily. "Now use your mouth to remove my pants."