Vampires & Silver I

"Vampires?" I echoed, eyes wide with horror. 

Fear had me frozen to the spot as a chill ran down my spine. The creatures of the night had been enemies of werewolves since time immemorial. With their brutal reputation, even the human children living in nearby towns knew to lock their doors whenever night fell.

"If my guess is accurate, then we might have a huge problem on our hands," Elijah said with a sigh. 

He took one last look at Charles and Elena before walking out of the house. I followed suit, needing to tear my eyes away from the bodies.

My lips parted before closing, not sure whether I should ask what was on my mind. It wouldn't be good to leave their bodies in the house, especially when they stayed so close to the territory's borders. Wild animals could trespass, the scent of the deceased's blood as a lure. It wouldn't be an issue if it was a random beast, but if wendigos came over, or if the vampires came back…