Truth Exposed II

Everyone paused at Damon's words. 

I couldn't help but cast a worried look in Blaise's direction; was he going to be alright if we all left him and Damon alone? Surely Damon wouldn't hurt his own brother too badly. Even if Damon didn't care about familial ties, Blaise was also his pack's beta. Hurting Blaise would be tantamount to cutting off his nose to spite his face. 

That didn't stop me from being worried for Blaise anyway. Damon wasn't high on my list of rational individuals. 

Blaise, however, seemed remarkably blase about this turn of events. He simply sighed and moved away in disappointment. "As you say, Damon. I'll see you around, Harper." 

"Alpha, where am I supposed to lead her?" Elijah asked, his tone of extreme reluctance as his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. "Do I bring her back to her room or yours? Or do I bring her to Regulus House instead?"