Ends of the Earth

I wasn't too surprised to find out that Fangborne had a stage — or arena, depending on how one looked at it — prepared for holding bouts of ritual combat. They had an impressive stage for my mating ceremony with Damon, so why wouldn't they have an equally impressive venue for such an important pack tradition? 

The mating stage had been quickly dismantled the morning after, but I knew from the first glance there was no way anyone was altering the structure of the arena. It was a fairly large arena carved from solid rock, the grayish patches were tinged with a dull coppery brown at certain parts, as though a painter had haphazardly dotted color over the surface to use up the paint. 

I could only laugh weakly to myself; the color was most likely leftover from the blood splatters of past challengers. Which meant that this arena must have been as old as Fangborne itself.