The Soft Side III

[Third POV]

"Alpha…?" Nicole paused, blinking a couple of times in surprise. She stared at her alpha, unsure what to make of his words.

It was only after a few minutes of silence — with Damon staring her down emotionlessly the entire time — had Nicole finally nodded in acknowledgment. While she had some doubts about Damon's orders, she couldn't entirely ignore him or question his sanity. 

She simply needed time to register the unfamiliar words emerging from Damon's mouth before she could properly process the correct way to respond to such an insane request.

Then again, it's not as though she could have said no to him. He was the Alpha, and she had no intention of being the next person lying on the hospital bed. If Damon could treat his fated mate like this, she had no chance of escaping unscathed if she ended up on his bad side. Kaine would not be able to save her from his wrath.