Yours, Blaise

True enough to Damon's word, he made sure I was stuck in his bedroom for the next few days. He didn't allow me to set foot outside― there was never a need to. His bedroom came with an en-suite bathroom and every meal time, he would return with food and drinks. Even during the mid-afternoon, he would return with a hot drink like coffee or tea as a perk-me-up. 

I found myself treated like a queen; Damon had done nearly everything to make my stay as pleasant and restful as possible. Short of massaging my feet with his bare hands, he made sure I lacked for nothing. 

While it was a wonderful treatment to sit back and relax after everything, there was a growing unease that kept building in my chest. Tomorrow would mark the seventh day. Lydia would be waiting for me in House Regulus, yet I had no clue whether I would be able to make the meet-up.

I wasn't even sure if she had made it there safely.

"Something came in the mail for you today."