Dark & Wet II*

Damon chuckled darkly, and I whimpered as I felt his teeth graze the sensitive skin of my neck, catching on the webbed strands of my necklace and tugging at them with his teeth. 

"Your haughty attitude certainly crumpled like wet tissue," he taunted, his mouth moving to nip at the sensitive edge of my ear. Paired with his low seductive voice that seemed to echo in the tiny cave, I was an exposed nerve, so close to losing my mind. I let out a gasp as I felt his lips close around my earlobe, gently sucking on it. Perhaps it was due to the darkness of the cave and my keyed-up emotions, but somehow, it sounded a hundred times more obscene. 

A petulant growl escaped my throat.

It felt like he was mocking me; how could he lavish so much attention on my ears when my core was still empty and dripping wet? I needed his cock inside me.

If he had to put his lips on anything, it should have been on my clit.