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"Calm down," Damon said, sighing. "Most of them have already been killed or have retreated. They won't be attempting anything anytime soon. Kaine is just there to make sure of this fact. He's been given explicit instructions to retreat if he finds any suspicious activity."

Nicole could only sigh. There was probably nothing else she could do, now that her alpha had already spoken. She shook her head and went back to tending to Blaise's wounds.

"I hope you've emphasized that to him," she said. "You know how he usually is, keen to impress."

I raised an eyebrow at that. There wasn't much I knew about Kaine but he definitely did not strike me in such a way. I suppose looks were deceiving― I couldn't possibly know him better than his mate, after all.

"Either way, Elijah was looking for you earlier in the day," Nicole said. "He said that he couldn't reach you via the link― no one could. You might want to check in with him to see what it is he wants."