Separate Duties

"A few days?!" Damon was so upset at this realization, he nearly tore out his own hair in frustration. Worry rushed through me as well. A few days was a little too long for my liking.

"We don't have a few days! We need it now!"


"Well, what do you want me to do about it?" the doctor demanded, throwing his hands up into the air in exasperation. "Unless you want to deliver the parts and fix the damn machines yourself, what else can you do?"

Damon growled, preparing to start another argument with the doctor, but I pulled him back as a metaphorical light bulb glowed over my head. Doctor Thomas's words had given me an idea. 

"Damon, wait, I have an idea. We can't fix the machine, but we can help with the delivery." 

With our enhanced speed and Damon's ridiculous driving, surely we would be faster than a regular human. Even if we could only shorten the delay by one day, it was still worth a shot.