Better Dead I

"You can touch him, you know?" Nicole gently said. 

She was still cleaning her equipment, bathing them in alcohol before rinsing them through in water. There had been so much blood all around that the whole infirmary smelled heavily like disinfectant now that the surgery was complete. I wasn't even confident that Nicole could get everything out, but it seemed that with enough time and patience, everything would be back to normal.

Hopefully, that was the same for Blaise.

"He just seems so… fragile," I commented, sitting a little closer, but still afraid to touch his hand. "How long will it be until he wakes up?"

"I can't say for certain," Nicole answered honestly. "His body needs time to recover. But now that the silver pieces have been removed, it shouldn't be more than minutes or hours before he's up and running again. That is one of the great conveniences of being werewolves."