Marry My Daughter

"We had other concerns to handle in the meantime," Damon replied with gritted teeth. "As I said, there were issues of vampire attacks―"

"Save me the spiel," Alpha Thorton interrupted. "Vampire attacks could never stand up against the consummation of a mate bond, nor the crowning of a Luna. However, what I've heard from Fangborne were stories of your own promiscuity, a harem of beauties waiting at your beck and call. You do not strike me as a man who values the concept of fated mates, so spare me your excuses." 

Wow. Alpha Thorton didn't pull any punches when it came to hitting where it hurt. I was honestly surprised that he read Damon pretty well. If this was a mere two months ago, it would have been depressingly accurate.

"It's not an excuse," Damon insisted, an angry red crawling up his neck. I sensed he was about to explode soon. "And I do care about the issue of fated mates."