
"Magic?" I whispered back. It didn't seem so far-fetched, since Blaise and Damon also had magical abilities. Maybe Hornstead's grounds were infused with magic to keep intruders away. 

After all that I've experienced so far in my life, it wouldn't be the strangest thing I witnessed in my lifetime. Not even close.

"See? That's why you should trust me. If you didn't, we'd be driving in circles for miles," Elder Olive said nonchalantly, completely at ease with the strangeness of what happened. 

He patted Darach's cheek as though he was a mere boy. 

"You did well, now let me get out and stretch my old legs. I want to see my family."

We followed suit after him, because what else could we do? Elder Olive seemed like an eccentric old man, but he was the only guide we had to this place.