Dancing Monkey

Milo paused, his throat bobbing wordlessly. All our eyes stared at him, but in the end, he merely got up and left the house.

"Is he going to ruin the plan or our alliance?" Blaise asked, his voice wondering. "He seems awfully reluctant so far."

"He'll come around." Alpha Burke shrugged. "Milo must learn that kindness should not be given to the unworthy. He was kind and lovely to Alpha Thorton's daughter for years, even before they found out they were mates. Always saving the reddest apples and the most beautiful flowers for her, and what did that result in?"

"A broken heart?" I guessed.

"A heart cruelly crushed without mercy and a spectacle of public ridicule. My son did not deserve to be treated this way, to be thrown aside without a second thought― especially for a man she doesn't even see more than twice a year," Alpha Burke elaborated. "Just because he has a gentler soul than most alphas doesn't mean he is not worthy of love!"