Darach’s Escape

I opened my mouth. Technically there was one solution I could think of, but I was reluctant to voice it. 

If the first part of the prediction didn't come true, every part following after would be moot. Personally, I didn't see a great need to unlock my true potential, at least not at the cost of their lives. 

Simply put, none of them would die if I rejected one of them. But which tie could I sever?

A decision that would have been simple mere weeks ago was now unthinkable. Despite Damon's multiple personality flaws, I had come to love him for the strength of his character underneath it all. And to remove Blaise was nigh unthinkable; I would sooner remove every organ from my body by hand than to sever my bond with him. 

"Harper?" Damon prompted, "I know you have a solution. What is it?"

"Damon, if it came down to Blaise and I, who would you choose?" I asked.