Lowered Pride

"No," Damon said bluntly, causing all my hopes to plummet to the ground in an instant. To his credit, he didn't seem all that happy to crush all my dreams. "It's simply not the right time to do it when we are besieged with enough trouble already." 

He continued, "Until Darach's condition improves and Hornstead's food arrives, I cannot leave Fangborne unguarded. Thunderstrike might catch wind of my absence and strike― or Hornstead might decide to renege on their agreement when they think I'm missing." 

Damon shook his head. 

Needless to say, if Damon wasn't leaving Fangborne, I wouldn't be either. He would never let me revisit such a place alone, and since I promised to only let him know about this, I couldn't get Blaise to come along either. 

"You're important to me, Harper, but right now, I have to put the pack first," Damon finished firmly, even as I detected a tinge of regret in his words.