The Moon Goddess's Test

"Dahlia," Alpha Thorton immediately called out, holding a hand up as a sign to get her to stop. "We are all guests of the Oracles here at the Forest. Watch your behavior."

"But Father―"

"Watch," Alpha Thorton repeated, enunciating each and every word, "your behavior."

Dahlia huffed, stomping her feet with her hands clenched into fists by her side. She shot me a nasty glare before she sat back down, dropping to her seat as she folded her arms across her chest like a petulant child.

I snorted, watching the exchange as Blaise placed me back down on the ground. Now that there were others watching, having me in his arms would be a poor reflection of us and of Fangborne as a whole.

With Damon leading the way, we marched forward to where the table that was left open for us was. All three of us sat down, with Damon right in the center, Blaise on his right, and me sitting on Damon's left.