A Suitable Beta I

"From Fangborne?!" This time, Thorton Elrod could no longer maintain his silence. He slammed his fists against the table surface and bellowed. "How can Thunderstrike be led by an outsider?!"

"Well, unless you have suitable candidates from within Thunderstrike to become Darach's new beta, he needs to outsource," Alpha Burke calmly rebutted. "And no, as mentioned by Alpha Chester, his sister does not count."

"As if I would agree to be that loser's beta," Dahlia said with a growl. However, she quickly backed down when she noticed several darkening expressions thrown her way.

"Careful," Luna Cassidy said, grinning rather sinisterly. 

Even though she wore a smile on her lips, her words were no laughing matter. She tapped her cheek thoughtfully, leaning her head to one side as she beamed down at Dahlia Elrod.