Bloodied Stranger

A beautiful woman sat on one of the counters, casually biting into another apple that she had nicked from the crates when no one was looking. She bit into it slowly, maintaining eye contact with me as she slowly chewed. 

The juice of the fruit dribbled a little past the corner of her lip and she used her thumb to wipe it clean, licking her finger right after. That was when my eyes trailed after her movements, noting the streaks of red that were splashed across her clothes.

Was that… blood?

"Who are you?" I brandished the weapon in front of me, moving back so that I stood in between this stranger and Kyle. 

Behind me, he let out a strangled wheeze as though short of breath. I felt his hand grab onto my shoulder, but his grip was oddly weak― his fingers didn't stay on my body, and instead, they slid down my shirt before he collapsed onto the floor.