Final Verdict

The second the food slapped Damon in the face, his head jerked back a little and his eyes instinctively squeezed themselves shut. It landed smack dab in the middle of his cheek, sliding down just a little since the mashed potato was mixed with a little bit of my saliva and a hell lot of gravy.

Silence filled the room other than a sharp hiss that came from me. I watched while chewing my bottom lip as Damon slowly reached up and wiped the food away, his eyebrows knitted tightly together as his lips curdled into a disgusted sneer.

As he reached for a tissue paper, I cleared my airways, coughing lightly a few times while keeping my eyes trained on him.

"Sorry," I muttered under my breath. "You caught me off guard there. I think I might've heard you wrongly― what did you say again?"

"That depends," Damon said with a deadpan. "Are you going to spit in my face a second time?"