A Warmer Welcome

The logistics of my stay in Thunderstrike were soon ironed out with such rapid efficiency that I knew Blaise must have planned everything beforehand, and he had been simply waiting for me to give my approval before implementing it. 

It didn't escape my notice that Blaise was not present when Damon brought up the issue. After all, I had reacted quite poorly to Blaise when he had brought up the idea. I guessed he didn't want to witness another repeat of my disapproval, and decided to have Damon take the hit instead.

A knock on my door interrupted my musings. I opened it, expecting one of my mates, but instead it was Kyle.

"Luna Harper, have you packed?" Kyle asked, peering his head into the room. "I'm here to help with your luggage." By his side was his own suitcase, and he had a haversack on his back.